Ch-Ch-Changes: Navigating the Shift from Elementary to High School 🚨🔊

Introduction 🤗

My journey was a crazy like a crazy river, it was smooth, bumpy, rocky, and etc. Trying to figure out was going on throughout these changes in my life to put it into a song was an interesting project and I’m here to share my journey with you.

The project 🤔

As the final notes of our project for humanities, it’s time to reflect on the transformative journey from the familiar times of elementary to the unknown future of high school. Our song parody of R.E.M.’s It’s the End of the World as We Know It served as a visual soundtrack to share this pivotal transition to others.

The Creation Process:

Unveiling the Canvas👩‍🎨

Starting this creative journey, I delved into the emotions of transitioning grades. Inspired by the timeless narrative of The Outsiders (by S.E Hinton), I painted a lyrical canvas, capturing the emotions of change, camaraderie, and the inevitable passage of time that is our school life.

The Outsiders (If you haven’t read it then you have been living under a rock):

Crafting the Melody🎶

Collaborating with my peers, each note and word that we wrote resonated with the shared experiences we stitched together. The blend of nostalgia and anticipation in the melody echoed the bittersweet symphony of leaving behind the known for the unknown.

A rough draft of the lyrics:


Video Production🎥

The visual component was crucial in translating our message. The embedded YouTube video showcases our collective efforts, merging the crafted lyrics with a montage that encapsulates the essence of our collective journey.

The video:

(P.S check out my YouTube channel for more content)

Evidence of Learning📒

Our homage to It’s the End of the World as We Know It wasn’t just a musical endeavour; it was a lesson in teamwork, creativity, and adaptability. The integration of The Outsiders deepened our understanding of thematic storytelling, lending a poignant layer to our lyrical narrative. As I read the Outsiders, it helped me figure out my worldview as I saw the characters worldview and saw if I agreed or disagreed to their worldview.

An example of my role sheet for the outsiders reading:


Navigating the intricate process of transforming iconic lyrics into a testament of our collective experience illuminated the fluidity of change. As the lyrics unfolded, so did our perspectives, aligning with the dynamic shift from childhood and oblivious to adolescence and deep. This project was an interesting and exciting experience for me and being told to compare and contrast my worldview from elementary to high school was a fun thing to do and in a way a very comforting experience.


In this journey of change, our project became a harmonious reflection of growth, encapsulating the essence of bidding farewell to the familiar and embracing the unknown. The echoes of It’s the End of the World as We Know It will forever be remembered as a melodious reminder of our transformative journey from elementary to high school. As my worldview is constantly changing and I’m just figuring out my life as I live it, I can’t wait to see the changes I make from high school to adulthood.