Chemistry Stories



In our project called  chemistry stories, we looked at the driving question: ”How do the electron arrangements of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds?”. To answer that driving question over the course of the project we studied atoms, ions, valence shells, and covalent and ionic bonds. With this knowledge, we chose an ionic and chemical bond and I chose carbon dioxide and sodium dioxide. Next we created a 12 panel story board that showed how these bonds formed. Then to put it all together, we created a keynote animation.

It took a very long time to think of a story that could show both of the bonds in their correct scientific way. The story did help me visualize these bonds though. The toughest part of the project was the creation of the animation. Finding the correct animation that would do what I wanted it to do was challenging for me. I would like to see if animating in other apps would be different.


Communicating: formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon. I achieved an accomplished in this competency. I used Keynote to create the animation story that showed the bonding process while using the proper scientific language. I was able to clearly explain the ionic and covalent bonds with detail and clear voiceovers. 

Processing and Analyzing: construct, analyze and interpret models and diagrams. I also achieved an accomplished in this competency. First I showed this competency through the workbooks when I began to build my knowledge on chemistry. I interpreted the knowledge form the workbooks when I created the animated video in Keynote. My video used Bohr models to show the exchange in the ionic bond and the sharing in the covalent bonding. 

Questioning and Predicting: demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic of problem of personal interest. In this competency, I achieved an extending. I communicated with Mr. Gross about the workbooks and when I could finish them. I also went to LAC for many classes because I find there are fewer distractions and I can work effectively. 

End mind map

Overall, the idea of putting the formulas into a story helped me better visualize the chemistry unit that we were learning about. The animation was hard but fun to create and I would like to improve my skills in that area. 

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