I am very happy about this new challenge. Week 5 is all about music. I have a MAJOR love for most music genres and I always will. I play guitar and sing in my free time, and you will definitely see me with a headphone in my ear most places I go.

The requirements for week #5 are to choose three topics from the following list:

• #1: a music survey,

• #2 a music quiz,

• #3 tell people about a instrument,

• #4 research a artist or group,

• #5 make a playlist,

• #6 discuss music and relation to the law,

• #7 guess the song or artist,

• #8 make some music

I will be choosing a music survey, telling people about an instrument, and researching my favourite artist. I would have loved to do my own music but I didn’t have time.


Here I have created a survey on age and genre preference. This is a question I often ask myself. For me, please answer responsibly and tell the truth!  Click HERE if you’d like to do the survey!


I’m going to be telling you guys about the guitar, the regular one not bass. I love guitar! I’ve been playing it since I was 7 years old (half my life!) and I also sing. I was in a band for a couple of years but I quit recently because, like many great bands, we broke up over creative differences. Anyways, back to guitar. The picture below show basically the same guitar as mine — the only difference is that mine is solid wood and isn’t shiny.

This guitar is an Ibanez RG series. It is a really cool electric guitar, and it’s made in Japan. I picked mine up for a discounted price at a pawnshop and then fixed it up. All electric guitars have a different sound and purpose. This Ibanez is good for a wide range of playing styles, and that’s why I like it.

Guitars are made up of two main parts. The fret board is the long skinny section that the strings run up. This can also be called the neck. The body is… well, the body of the guitar. It holds all the electronics and it’s what you rest on when you’re playing. The nice thing about the Ibanez RG series is that the bodies are made a little smaller allowing the guitar to be compact and easier to play. People may not agree with me on that, but I find that having strings closer to your body makes a big difference in improving the control you have in strumming.

I hope you guys found that informational, and I highly recommend people to start guitar if they want to learn music! Get a guitar (start in the inexpensive range) and book a lesson at your nearest music store. If you don’t have an available lesson nearby, it’s ok there are tons of lessons on YouTube to get started. Check out this one:



The artist that I picked is called Rex Orange County.

He is a pop artist that is famous for mellow music, some of it angsty, some of it heartfelt. His real name is Alexander O’Conner and he is from Grayshott, Hampshire, England. He plays guitar, piano, drums, bass guitar, and he sings. He recently came out with a new album called Pony. I downloaded the whole album on the first day it came out. The album was very warming and all the songs felt like they came from his personal history.

He was a kid who first started singing in a choir where his mom had worked. When he grew up, Alexander self-released the song “bcos u will never be free” on SoundCloud. That song got the attention of a record studio called Two Inch Punch. He started making some songs for them and came out with new popular songs called “UNO”, “Best Friend”, and “untitled”. Soon after he released those songs, an artist named Tyler the Creator asked him to be on an album called Flower Boy. After that he started blowing up. He made songs like “Loving is easy” which landed him on Jimmy Fallon’s late night show. He started releasing a bunch of material in 2019, one of which was the album Pony. That now brings us here. I found out a week ago that he is coming to perform where I live on my BIRTHDAY!! Even though the concert is on a Monday, I’m still going.

Thanks for reading and have a good day…




Rex Orange County Picture:

Knepple, Emily. “Rex Orange County Doesn’t Run from Reality on His New Record, ‘Pony’.” The Daily Cardinal, 29 Oct. 2019, https://www.dailycardinal.com/article/2019/10/rex-orange-county-doesnt-run-from-reality-on-his-new-record-pony.

Guitar Picture:
