Today, I will be reflecting on the five videos that I’ve done in school so far. The videos I have done are Take Your Kid To Work Day, American Revolution, Russian Revolution, Our Choice of Revolution, and the Run a Remake Video. The theme of this post will be the competencies I have learned, and the ones I have improved on.

#1: Empowered Learner:

The first video that comes to mind when I think of being an empowered Learner is the Easter Rising Revolution. I believe that because the Easter Rising Revolution was a choice that all my group had to agree on. I stepped up to the plate and helped my group a lot with all sorts of tasks. I also filled in for my missing group member when he forgot to do his section. I was alway ready and happy to do any tasks I was assigned or passed on. I think I have always been good at this competency and I showed that in this video and the whole revolution project.

#2: Knowledge Constructer:

The best case of Knowledge Constructer I can show is, my Take Your Kid To Work Day video. While I was up at the lodge, I was doing tasks and I was also getting ready to set up the perfect interview. I took into account the lighting, what was behind the interviewe, and how the sound would come out from the regular IPad microphone. Then after the interview it came down to editing. I mashed up pictures and sound, I put music in the background, and I overlapped the interviewe’s audio and what the audio is saying. I have always been ok at this competency but I feel like I am getting a lot better.

#3: Innovative Designer:

A perfect example of a video that I was a innovative designer for was my Live Video Event. This hasn’t come out yet, but it will a couple days later. This video was super fun to make. For my Live Video, I recorded my experience in a guitar lesson. When I got home, I took my recorded video and edited the crap out of it. I have over 45 minutes of video that I have to go through. It was boring but the video is looking pretty good. I’m being innovative here because I am using many tools to help edit. In IMovie, you can speed up videos, recorded audio, split clips, etc. I have used many tools with the video process and you will see that soon. When the video does come out I highly recommend watching it.

#4 Computational Thinker:

Normally I am good at understanding text and anything written. Sometimes when I don’t understand text, I write everything down word for word. If I still don’t understand the wording, I will try and reword things so that I do understand. I don’t have a specific project that I did this method in because I do it in a lot of multiple projects.

#5 Creative Communicator:

This is a very easy task. On every single project that we do, we have to communicate in different ways. Texting, talking, drawings, shared pages documents. That is a very nice thing about PLP. We get to communicate on so many different levels because of the IPads. Another thing about IPads, is the level of documentation that we can do. We have an app called things and it is my favourite. It is a reminder app that you can put dates into. You can set importance, due dates, and days to work on things.