Welcome teacher and my dad. This is my MPOL blog post where, I will go over topics related to my driving question: What is your learning goal(s) that you want to reach by the end of the school year, and how will you meet it?

Question #1: My first learning goal?

My first learning goal is about my writing and grammar skills. This is the biggest goal for me because I have already progressed quite a long way since the beginning of the year. Let’s take my first post this year as an example, HERE. This blog is called “The Power Of Place”. In the post, I go over my trips abroad in Japan. You will notice that my grammar and punctuation is pretty good in this post. That’s because my mom insists on looking over most of my work for grammar and punctuation mistakes. So, when I say that I’ve learned and progressed from the beginning of the year, I mean that my mom has found fewer and fewer mistakes in my posts.

Answer #1: How will I achieve this goal?

I plan on achieving this goal by taking a lot of time to do revisions and fixes and working on the “communicating” competency. I will also work on catching mistakes as soon as I type them, and learning my bad habits when it comes to grammar and punctuation. All of these things are also roughly covered in the “communicate” competency. These ideas are all going to play key parts in me learning to be better at spelling. This will also end up leading to my end goal: Independence. By the end of this year, I would like to be independent so I don’t need my mother to look over the posts and work that I make.

Question #2: My second learning goal?

My second learning goal is also a very big subject: communication. Communicating with my team is something that I seem to have a problem with. I don’t communicate with my team enough, and because of that, I don’t feel like we’ve done the best we can in the end. I don’t have any posts that I can show to give a bad example yet, but I do have a post where I can give a good example: Winter Exhibition Post. In the winter exhibition, our group had a really good amount of communication. Both in person and on chats, our group talked a lot. In the end, because of our communication and our work, we came out with a really cool and nicely themed area/room.

Answer #2: How will I achieve this goal?

This is really a goal that doesn’t only rely on me. Yes, I have to make sure that on my end, I’m talking in basecamp, and in real life, but this also relies any groups that I’m in. Even if I start communicating with my group, they might not communicate back. Therefor I can’t change anything without a little help from everyone else.

Question #3: A goal that I’ve noticed!

This goal is a little bit of a different theme. Instead of me choosing what I should work on, I’ve looked at some feedback that the teachers have given me. The most reoccurring piece of feedback that I could find was: putting images and entertainment in my blog posts. This is something that sometimes doesn’t work and sometimes I forget. One example of a image lacking post is my Video Reflection post. It has no pictures or videos whatsoever and so when the mPOL is over, that is something I will get working on.

Answer #3: How will I achieve this goal?

I realize that this is a big part of blog posts, and I know that I need to get better. I don’t know exactly what I can do to keep a reminder in my head to insert pictures. I do know that I will look over all of the requirements for a post when it gets released. That by itself might have enough to make me remember. I will also be putting a constant reminder in things about what should go into a blog post.

Question #4: My final goal!

My fourth and final goal is making sure that I get everything finished and handed on time. Unlike most of the other goals, this is something that I’m already pretty good at. I have a decent record when it comes to handing things in on time. However, I still need to get better. With everything goal that involves time, it can be traced back to TIME MANAGEMENT. So, the goal is to get better at managing my time.

Answer #4: How will I achieve this goal?

This is all reachable with the use of calendars or things. I’m already getting a little better at putting dates and times in my things and calendar. I could be a little better by organizing things a little more. Ex. Putting things things in different classes and putting things in my calendar ( I really need to get better at that ).