Welcome to my post about my Polynomial Math Project! Today I will talk about our steps in making the process, the end product, and my learning.

Step #1: Learning about polynomials

Brief explanation of what polynomials are: Polynomials are a string of terms ( 3x is a term ) that are defined by signs like X, +, -, and division which isn’t on my keyboard. Before we started our project, our teacher helped us understand polynomials. To me, solving them is quite easy. The only problem is, to get to solving a polynomials there is a lot of simplifying that has to be done. Once you’re done the steps however, it’s a breeze.

Step #2: Figuring out our project idea

Our second step was actually one of the hardest. For some reason, not one of the three of us in the group could come up with a good project and corresponding driving question. So finally after a couple classes of thinking, we decided to make a bridge and then use polynomials to show what materials we used while building.

Step #3: Presenting:

Our third and final step was to make a presentation and then present our project in front of our class. This was where all our math and material tallying came to play. Because we had three people in our group, we split up our presentation into three sections. #1 Driving question and how we answered it (my section), materials used, and then the math.

In the end. Our bridge turned out really well, although there could have been some more structural integrity fixes.