Could I interest you in a historical explanation?
During the renaissance there were many new ideas and innovations that changed both the world of the renaissance and our world today.
During the renaissance there were many new ideas from Europe and Asia that changed the world for the people living during that time, some of those ideas were: Lenses, lenses led to many inventions including eyeglasses which led to many people being able to work in fields where precise work was required for longer since when their vision began to deteriorate they could get glasses and extend their work life. On the flip side telescopes let people see farther than ever before allowing for discoveries about the world we live in and even about space. Another set of innovations that changed the world were innovations in timekeeping letting people coordinate better and allowing better navigation as time could now be kept precisely for long times helping on long naval journeys. Another innovation was the printing press allowing books to be widely avallible to the masses leading to a spread of knowledge helping people to think more critically. Finally there is medical innovations, some of the medical innovations were the founding of the first hospitals and proper medical care being more availlibe.
Before these innovations peoples lives very very simple and plain with most people being farmers and craftpeople spending most of their life in the same place. At the time even minor diseases could be fatal for a lack of proper medicine with common medical practicies being. The majority of people could not acces information and many knew nothing past what was required for their job making it so people didn’t think critically going along blindly with whatever the king or church said and paying large taxes to both.
Today, some of the ideas and innovations from the renaissance changed the world are: the printing press wich allowed for the books to be acccesible to many people and variations of which were used for centuries until the invention of digital printers and even iPads or e-readers, all of which are ways to revive information and knowledge and with the digital age and the internet these capabilities have only expanded letting you acess almost anything you want from almost everywhere. Medical innovations during the renniassance include people finding out much more about the human body and how it works allowing us to find cures and remedies for countless diseases and illnesses saving many lives, the first hospitals all of wich led to the healthcare system we have today.
Finally i can’t go without mentioning Lenses, aside from the obvious of glasses which I wear and which many people depend on to see. So many systems today rely on optic technoloy such as cameras which we use to communicate and connect to people and to express ourselves in the form of phography and movies. Telescopes that have allowed us to see farther and farther into space and discover things about out universe that we never knew before, Microscopes that let us see the tiniest things in our universe. And the study of optics has led to things like fibre optics for literal light speed transfer of data and lasers which has in turn led to laser surgery for precise medical procedured and many other inventions.
All of these inventions whether from the renaissance or the modern age have influenced the world or our lives, in some way or another and I think that means that they changed the world. A
Okay, now that you’ve at least skimmed the above wall of text I feel like you deserve some context, lets start with the basics:
The basics.
Okay, first off, what even is this image that appears to be populated by my clones? 1 Well that’s a triptych, what’s a triptych? A triptych is a piece of art separated into three panels, a form which was popular during the renaissance.2
Now that you hopefully know what the image is, now I can tell you why I did this. this is the final accumulation of a project that I’ve been working on fro humanities for the last month or so where we learned about how innovations from Europe and Asia during the renaissance changed the world, each panel in the triptych represents a different time period, first the renaissance, the middle panel is today, and the final panel is from before the renaissance. Each shows how the ideas from the renaissance changed, or in the case of the right panel, didn’t change the lives of people living in that time period. The accompanying wall of text explains this in more detail. While working on this project I really liked the actual creation of the triptych, which, due to a slight misunderstanding on my part, was completed over a 4 hour period of wishing a actually had photoshop and wasn’t using procreate. The writing portion of this project on the other hand was completed over 3 hours fuelled by panic and stress and was rather unenjoyable experience in the whole.
Anyways, that’s what you need to know about my project. I hope you enjoyed reading all this.
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