My DI Journey

My DI journey so far has been unknown because I have a very bad memory. Combine that with the fact that my group has really left me out when it comes to DI I find myself in a bit of a pickle. I knew I was in a DI group and that was about it. 

I am currently trying to fix that problem by interacting with the group. I made a schedule for myself, I checked Basecamp more carefully and added things that were missing.  For example, I added my contracts, inventory and a research article. We tried to have a meeting Sunday but everyone was busy. We decided to reschedule for Monday. At the meeting I will ask them to help me get up to date and what I can do as Idea Manager. 

I want to participate but I’m not quite sure what’s holding me back. I believe Ben or Shawn can help interact with my group members. I always get nervous talking to groups. I should talk to the group about my nerves. 

I am most concerned about as I have a history of messing things up. I don’t do it on purpose. My natural instincts get the better of me. That means I shut down. This project is a very big challenge for me.

Scimatics Lazar

Before I learned about lazars I thought it would be boring. I usually think something that I don’t understand will be boring. Before I this class I thought lazars were sci fi only, like death rays you see in action movies. Boy, was I wrong about being bored and death rays.

Overall the project was really fun. I like science and math anyway and this was both. I was surprised that lazars were actually a real thing. I was worried that if looked at the lazar a certain way I would go blind. I was careful with the lazar when I was experimenting with it and setting it up.

If I grow up to design or repair locomotives, lazars might be useful for welding.

2)  (I am having trouble loading the picture of my web.  I will need help.  It is on Showbie)    

3) Write about each curricular competency

Questioning and predicting: I demonstrated a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest by :

I demonstrated curiosity about the topic. I asked several questions during the project and eventually got them answered.  For example, I asked can lazars cut through anything. The short answer is no. I really thought lazars would be able to cut through ANYTHING! I am glad I asked the question.

Communicating and Representing: I represented mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms when I:

I used Pythagorean Therom to figure out the dimensions of our triangle for our lazar display. It helped us figure out where to place the mirrors. The angle of triangle was the angle of the lazar. That was our concrete triangle. If we got the math wrong our triangle would have been messed up and our triangles would have gone all over the place. I used the website Mr. Gross gave us to plan out the laser display. We used symbolic triangles to show where our lazer triangle would be at on the website


Applying and innovating: I co-operatively designed projects when I:

I helped one of my teammates hot glue details onto our display. I helped get materials for the display. I suggested the theme of the display.  It was Underground Scientist Laboratory.  I was very happy the group chose my idea. I helped position the lazar. The other kids helped me. It felt satisfying to have a great project come to a great end.


Train Disasters

Like anything, train can & will have catastrophic events. Here are just a few:

The 1993 Big Bayou Train Wreck. The Big Bayou Canot rail accident was the derailing of an Amtrak train on the CSX TransportationBig Bayou Canot Bridge near Mobile, Alabama, United States, on September 22, 1993. It was caused by displacement of a span and deformation of the rails when a tow of heavy barges collided with the rail bridge eight minutes earlier. Forty-seven people were killed and 103 more were injured. To date, it is both the deadliest train wreck in Amtrak’s history and the worst rail disaster in the United States.

The 2008 Chatsworth Train Collision. The Chatsworth train collision occurred at 4:22 p.m.  on Friday, September 12, 2008, when a Union Pacific freight train and a Metrolink commuter train collided head-on in the Chatsworth neighbourhood of Los Angeles, California. The scene of the accident was a curved section of single track on the Metrolink Ventura County Line just east of Stoney Point.

The 2015 Frankford Junction Wreck. On May 12, 2015, an Amtrak Northeast Regional train from Washington, D.C. bound for New York City derailed and wrecked on the Northeast Corridor near the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Of 238 passengers and 5 crew on board, 8 were killed and over 200 injured, 11 critically. The train was traveling at 164 km/h in a 80 km/h zone of curved tracks when it derailed. Some of the passengers had to be extricated from the wrecked cars. Many of the passengers and local residents helped first responders during the rescue operation. Five local hospitals treated the injured. The derailment disrupted train service for several days.

The 2017 Dupont Train Derailment. On December 18, 2017, Amtrak Cascades passenger train 501 derailed near DuPont, Washington, United States.The lead locomotive and all twelve cars derailed at 7:33 pm  while approaching a bridge over Interstate 5. The trailing locomotive remained on the rails. A number of automobiles on southbound I-5 were crushed and three people on board the train died. The train derailed a short distance from where the new route merges with the previous route. Preliminary data from the data recorder showed that the train was traveling at 126 km/h, nearly 80 km/h over the speed limit, when the incident happened.

and these kind of things still happen.

Steam Engines in Fiction

Like many things, steam engines are seen in media. (Here are some examples)


  • Chuggington (Chuggington also known as Chuggington: Tales from the Rails since Series 6 is a British animated tv series aimed at toddlers, produced by Ludorum PLC during Series 1–5) and Herschend Entertainment Studios during Series 6)



As you can see, steam engine are very famous (in more ways than one)

The Grouping and Fall of Steam

In 1923 the 120 Railways of Britain were combined into the ‘Big Four’ Consisting of the London, North Eastern Railway, the London, Midland and Scotland railway, the Great Western Railway and the Southern Railway. After WW2 in 1948 the Big Four were united into British Railways. During The 1950’s-60’s steam was withdrawn and replaced by Diesel and Electric engines.

Here we see a diagram of a American Electric Locomotive. Diesel Engines work almost Identically (they just burn oil)


The First Steam Engines

We recognize steam engines today as heritage units but, it wasn’t always this way. The first idea of steam power was thought of in the 1st century CE (Common Era). However steam power didn’t really take off until the Industrial Revolution (1733-1913). In 1802 the first rail-steam engine was built in England, thoughout the early 1800’s various locomotives were built, including the famous Stevenson ‘Rocket’. Now you may be wondering; ‘But how do these things work?’ Well I’ll tell you!






This is a diagram of a American tender engine, as you can see they work similarly to kettles. Tank engines work almost identically, (They just don’t have a tender). As you can see, steam engines are a force to be reckoned with. (I mean do you really want to mess with that thing)

The Outsiders Reflective Post


1960’s – 2021 with the tableau we changed the context of the story. It helped me understand the time period of the 60’s better. We had to look at the original story and apply it to modern day. I was able to put myself in the character’s point of view more easily in modern day. Comparing modern day to historical times helps me understand the past better.


Bizarro Outsiders

Bizarro Outsiders is basically the same story but focuses on the Socs instead of the Greasers. I want to look at the story from a different angle.This is similar to how I looked at the story with the tableau.This overview of Bizarro Outsiders is going to show that I learned even though there are extreme differences there are  also similarities between the first and third class.

Overview of Bizarro Outsiders:

Randy Adderson is the main character because he and Bob Sheldon are good chums, and they are both Socs. Randy wittiness’s Bob’s murder and swears revenge on Johnny.
He believes Greasers are violent and he wants to protect his friends. During the rumble he cracks several of Johnny’s ribs and punctures one of his lungs. He is later fined 10,000 dollars for Johnny’s hospital bill. His parents pay his fine. However, they punish him severely. They pay the fine by selling his mustang, and force him to work with Sodapop at the gas station. (In a sequel he goes on an adventure with Sodapop and they become best friends).



Randy is not afraid of going to jail because his family is rich and pays his fines or bribes someone. In the real Outsiders Johnny runs away because he is afraid to go to jail because he doesn’t have a family who can take care of him. Ponyboy goes with Johnny because his family has no money. Ponyboy almost gets taken away from his brothers by the court. This wouldn’t happen to Randy because is family is stinking rich.

In the original Outsiders the Greasers and Socs are still very much split apart in the end. In my version of Bizarro Outsiders Randy and Sodapop understand each other because they become friends.


In both stories the main character has to go to court face consequences of his actions. In both stories the main characters have families who want to take care of them. Randy has a change of heart and feels bad in both stories.



Now, you can see in my Worldview MindNode I mentioned that everyone should be treated equally because it is only fair.  























However, when I said equally I meant with equity.  Here is a cartoon that shows the difference. (Don’t worry I’m not a communist – no Bull-shovik here 🙃)


The first panel can represent Ponyboy or Johnny or any of the Greasers because of their lack of money and social status. The Greasers don’t have enough money or social status and because of that they don’t even get to go to the game but they can hear it and it makes them feel bad and angry.

In the second panel the cartoon represents Cherry because she sees the best of both worlds. She respects everyone for who they are. She doesn’t respect Two-bit though because he’s a massive, ill-bred jerk not because he’s a Greaser.

The third panel represents the Socs because they have more than enough money to buy a few tickets.

In the fourth panel… well… I’m not Russian so let’s ignore that.

In conclusion you can see that I have changed my point of view from equality to with equity. I also understand the story better because I looked at it from different angles. I looked at the book from a modern point of view in my Tableau and from the Socs point of view in my Bizzaro Outsiders.