The Outsiders Reflective Post


1960’s – 2021 with the tableau we changed the context of the story. It helped me understand the time period of the 60’s better. We had to look at the original story and apply it to modern day. I was able to put myself in the character’s point of view more easily in modern day. Comparing modern day to historical times helps me understand the past better.


Bizarro Outsiders

Bizarro Outsiders is basically the same story but focuses on the Socs instead of the Greasers. I want to look at the story from a different angle.This is similar to how I looked at the story with the tableau.This overview of Bizarro Outsiders is going to show that I learned even though there are extreme differences there are  also similarities between the first and third class.

Overview of Bizarro Outsiders:

Randy Adderson is the main character because he and Bob Sheldon are good chums, and they are both Socs. Randy wittiness’s Bob’s murder and swears revenge on Johnny.
He believes Greasers are violent and he wants to protect his friends. During the rumble he cracks several of Johnny’s ribs and punctures one of his lungs. He is later fined 10,000 dollars for Johnny’s hospital bill. His parents pay his fine. However, they punish him severely. They pay the fine by selling his mustang, and force him to work with Sodapop at the gas station. (In a sequel he goes on an adventure with Sodapop and they become best friends).



Randy is not afraid of going to jail because his family is rich and pays his fines or bribes someone. In the real Outsiders Johnny runs away because he is afraid to go to jail because he doesn’t have a family who can take care of him. Ponyboy goes with Johnny because his family has no money. Ponyboy almost gets taken away from his brothers by the court. This wouldn’t happen to Randy because is family is stinking rich.

In the original Outsiders the Greasers and Socs are still very much split apart in the end. In my version of Bizarro Outsiders Randy and Sodapop understand each other because they become friends.


In both stories the main character has to go to court face consequences of his actions. In both stories the main characters have families who want to take care of them. Randy has a change of heart and feels bad in both stories.



Now, you can see in my Worldview MindNode I mentioned that everyone should be treated equally because it is only fair.  























However, when I said equally I meant with equity.  Here is a cartoon that shows the difference. (Don’t worry I’m not a communist – no Bull-shovik here 🙃)


The first panel can represent Ponyboy or Johnny or any of the Greasers because of their lack of money and social status. The Greasers don’t have enough money or social status and because of that they don’t even get to go to the game but they can hear it and it makes them feel bad and angry.

In the second panel the cartoon represents Cherry because she sees the best of both worlds. She respects everyone for who they are. She doesn’t respect Two-bit though because he’s a massive, ill-bred jerk not because he’s a Greaser.

The third panel represents the Socs because they have more than enough money to buy a few tickets.

In the fourth panel… well… I’m not Russian so let’s ignore that.

In conclusion you can see that I have changed my point of view from equality to with equity. I also understand the story better because I looked at it from different angles. I looked at the book from a modern point of view in my Tableau and from the Socs point of view in my Bizzaro Outsiders.



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