DI 2024

On Saturday the 6th, my group presented our Destination Imagination (DI) project. The people in my group were: Lucas, Aidan, Daniel, Sebastian and Susan. Our project revolved around the topic of architectural engineering. The machine we designed was a catapult used to launch bean bags, our goal was to launch our bean bag the farthest.

In order to measure the distance the bean bag travelled, we used the board by the DI organizers, it had strips of velcro on it to prevent the bean bag from sliding to the finish.

My role in the group was ‘Designer’, I had to draw up plans for the props we would use. On the day of DI, we attempted to launch our bean bag, but the catapult fell apart! We were unable to repair it because the thing had literally fallen to pieces. Even though the catapult failed, we continued on with our performance. During the performance, I was a background character (specifically the Bartender) I wiped down my table prop as my group mates were performing. After the performance, the parents who were watching in the audience (including my mom and stepdad) clapped. My mom was proud of me even though I wasn’t.

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