Welcome back or welcome to my blog! I think the last time I did one was about a month ago.. (which is pretty crazy considering PLP requirements…) Anyways, first off I would like to get started with just introducing the topic for today: My First Field Study In High School! Field studies (a.k.a. field trips) are most commonly known for the famous food poisoning, that one ‘haunted’ cabin, wildlife attacks, crying children and the last day when you have finally gotten close to all of your bunk mates and you have to leave. Thankfully most of those things didn’t happen.
Before the trip, most people said that they were nervous or that they were not excited at all… But I was kind of ok with it I guess… But once I got there I was more well way more then just ‘ok’ with it. That had turned into one of my biggest highlights of gr.8 for me so far.
I have made a little traveller diary that I would love to share with you guys! Inside is all about my stay at loon Lake. if you would like you may take a look at it below.
To wrap this up I’m so grateful that I was able to go on this trip because it has strengthened my relationships which increases my abilities to work better as a team with my peers and classmates.
Later 🙂