Human library

Hi, welcome back to my blog.Today I am going to be talking about Canadian identity, discrimination and how I t has shaped who we were known for today.

Canada is mostly known for being a very peaceful country with very nice people. But ,many don’t know the underlying consequences that have been built up in the past. I feel as if some elements from the past are crawling there way back. For example, discriminating people of colour or race. We had to bring in a person. Who has experienced somewhat challenging experiences to do with Canadian identity. I chose one of my best friends Shanika. Shanika has experienced many troubles in school towards hate and bulling just because of her race.

We created a human Library and it was a very diverse way of learning and it helped me learn in a very different way to how you normally would in class. We basically sat everyone down at different tables and talked about past experiences.


Looking back, I feel as if we did a very good job of mimicking a human library and it was overall fun.

Thanks for reading
