For our last unit before spring break was about how the lives of Canadians changed after WWII. Our driving question was: How did lives and conditions change and stay the same for Canadians after WWII? For this we focused on minorities in canada. The project for this unit was to create a podcast so for creating our podcasts we followed this work flow:
my partner for this unit was Gabby. We decided to focus on the LGBTQ+ community in Canada from the 1950to 80s compared to now. For our podcast we did lots of research into related events at the time and then we interviewed my uncle for a more recent perspective. Once we had all the audio we put it all together in GarageBand and I made the logo using Comic Life and Pixelmator.
Here is our finished product:
I thought this project was super fun ad a great learning experience to learn more about my community. It was also really fun and interesting to do a podcast for this project because we usual just do video but I thought this type of media suited this topic really well.