For the past little while in science we have been learning about the matter cycles. Here are the four different cycles we learned about:
- N2 in atmosphere. Assimilation. Denitrifying. bacteria. NO3. – Nitrogen-fixing. bacteria. Decomposers. Nitrifying. bacteria. Figure Nutrient cycles. Ammonification. Nitrification. NH3. NH4. + NO2. – Nitrogen-fixing. soil bacteria. Nitrifying. bacteria.
For the project we were put into partners my partner was Kiera. We did our project on the phosphorus cycle. The project was to find a problem with the cycle and make a solution. To explain ours Kiera wrote this:
I also presented the Keynote:
I also made these GIFs to help explain our solution:
For this post we were also asked to reflect on four curricular competencies:
1.Analyze cause and effect relationships: we did this by identifying the problem and the cause of it also some of the variables in that
2. Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence: we did this because we used our knowledge of how the cycle work and what is happening to create our solution.
3. Formulate multiple hypotheses and predict multiple outcomes we did this through finding our solution.
4. Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world though individual or collaborative approaches: we did this be creating an actual feasible solution that will actually help if implemented.
Here is my unit mind map the black text are my thoughts and questions form the beginning of the unit and the red is from the end: