Hello, Welcome to my blog post!
Below you will see the driving question for this intriguing project!
How Can We Test The Pythagorean Theorem And Law Of Reflection?
I think one of my favourite parts about this project was the actual building process of the project, but of course to work up to that stage we read multiple textbook pages and completed multiple milestones to fully understand all that we needed to get the final product that we ended up with.
Before I elaborate on this project, here are our key competencies:
Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest
A lot of our Questioning and predicting was done in milestone one, after hearing about the law of reflection my mind was flooded with new questions of how and why. I used questioning and predicting while working on my mind map, also while working with my group to come up with better questions to write down all together.
Communicating and Representing: Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms
This competency was mainly used in milestone four where we were asked to create a virtual right triangle using an online simulation. I represented mathematical ideas in the fourth milestone while creating a right triangle in the online simulation to represent how we might use the law of reflection with the lasers and mirrors we had in the classroom.
Applying and innovating: Co-operatively design projects
This competency was used in milestones four, five and sixx where we created our final project with our group of four.
I’m sure by now you’re curious to see what our final project looked like, right? Well, here it is:
Now that you’ve seen it, I’m sure you’d like to hear more about how we got there. Well, it all started with a mind map, like most of our PLP projects do.
Then, we split into groups of four to expand our questions and share our curiosities.
That’s when our textbook work came in, and with that knowledge, we were set to start experimenting with a online ray optics simulator to prove we can test the Pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection.
Along with simply creating a right angled triangle we also had to use our knowledge of the Pythagorean theorem to solve it!
Then we were finally set to complete our final creation.
Thank you for reading my blog post! I hope you found it just as interesting as I found this project.