DI!DI!DI? Provincials edition

So. Destination Imagination. We are back. When my team and I came in third place in the Regionals Competition we were happy but didn’t know what to expect after. What come after, you ask? PROVINCIALS. Unfortunately, due to a scheduling issue, I couldn’t make it. Yes, I’ll be going into more detail about this scheduling issues later. So I couldn’t make it on the day of but that absolutely didn’t mean that I wouldn’t help prepare for it. Basically I’ll be talking about the scheduling debacle, what I helped do for DI provincials and my overall experience/thoughts on DI.


Okay so during regionals a couple of things went wrong. Our prop transformation didn’t work, quick recap, for those who didn’t know one of the things we had to do during our challenge was to set off the transformation of one of our props. My groups idea was elephant toothpaste, the shovel of our robot would pour in the necessary chemicals to set off the reaction. At Regionals the shovel attached to our robot would pour in the chemicals. But the shovel started to leak. So we decided to pour in the Stuff by hand. And then for some reason  the transformation didn’t even work.



My group and I obviously had to fix this before provincials. They elected me to fix the shovel and container and make it leak proof. Which I did. Amazingly. Well…pretty well. I used gorilla glue a sealant because when it dried it’s harder than rock and water proof. The other idea was to use bathtub sealant but we happened to have gorilla glue and the point was just for it to be water proof. I used cardboard to built the base of the shovel and covered it in massive amounts of duct tape. Man’s best tool. I did the same with the container we were pouring the solution into. I also created a screen by wrapping a tri-fold poster board in paper, in hopes that we could project the video we created for our team choice element (a creation of my teams choice).


A couple other things my group and I had to fix:

1. Make a hat for the maze traveler and the person playing the maze traveler

2. Change the lines for the character I was playing and Give it to another team member given that I wouldn’t be there

3. Little hiccups with timing, time management and acting


But those were just wrinkles to be smoothed out with time.


Okay so what was sooooo important that I had to miss the provincials?

Good question.

I was completing my training for an up coming cadet activity. Cadets?! Yep . That’s me. cadets is something I have been doing for about 7 Months. I  a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y adore cadets and something that has changed me so much even in a 7 month period. So I’m actually supposed to talk about the training I was doing but it was kinda boring. Not doing it but talking about it would be boring. So I’ll isntesd talk about what cadets means to me and the “up comin cadet activity” . To be more specific I am a member of the 2573 6th engineer squadron army cadet Corps. I was a cadet and about 3 days ago I was promoted to Corporal. Which made my best friend and fellow cadet, Caleb, happy but kinda pissed too ( I’m the same rank as him and I’ve been doing it half as long).

Me getting promoted looking super terrified but kinda happy


😅 Yeah looking kinda nerdy. Anyway back to the importance of cadets to me. Okay well a) I have to thank my bestie (I swear I don’t normally say that) for introducing me to cadet cause I love it so much. And b) the activity I was prepping for was an FTX  (Field Training EXcercise) where we will be using navigational skills to find our way through a maze.

Cadets has helped reinforce leadership skills as well as learning a bunch of things I never thought I could even do!


Reflection on DI

Okay so DI is a crazy hectic thing but I’ve gotten so many skills out of it. I think if I were and if I will do it again I would love to do one of the more performance based challenges like Improv or The musical theater one even though I cannot for the life of me sing. But one can learn.

And I like putting myself out there and try new things. So thank you for reading and have a good night/day!

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