Hello! Here’s another D.I. blog post, but I was actually proud to write about this D.I. experience. If you are unclear about what D.I stands for it’s Destination Imagination, which is a worldwide challenge, click here to see what D.I. really entails.
My challenge was the improv challenge, to see the clarifications on what the challenge included you can see the official explanation here:
If you’ve been on my blog for a little while, you may have seen my D.I blog post from about a month ago. It was during Regionals, this time it was Provincials. Click here to read it.
Here are the three section of my blog post:
- How I felt before, during and after the tournament
- Regional vs. Provincials scoring + improvements
- My D.I goals for next year
Let’s get right into it!
Before, During and After Provincials.
Well, this isn’t exactly a spoiler, but we did a fair bit better in Provincials. A key part of that is what we did before we even performed.
One of the reasons we did “not great”in the first go around was simply the fact that we weren’t ready, we weren’t as prepared to deal with whatever came our way during our performance. The team wasn’t flexible enough (not not literally). We hadn’t rehearsed enough. So really, Regionals highlighted the areas of our performance that required major improvement, which I’ll cover later.
So, to make a long story short, before the big performance my team practiced a lot. I mean a lot. The 3 days before Provincials, we managed to do at least 8 full run throughs of the skit with different scenarios, characters and flips. After each of the skits we analyzed what went wrong. Then came the day of.
The day of us always a hugely stressful day. Most of us haven’t slept a wink the night before and show up tired and on edge. I’m always amazed by what all teams manage to pull together and present. On the day of we did two things, our instant challenge and our main challenge.
I can’t really talk about the instant challenge due to “confidentiality clause” you sign at D.I. Basically the instant challenge is a mini challenge that tests your team’s ability to work together. I think my team could’ve been more creative with our solution to the challenge but the how you do in the instant challenge is always unclear. Something to improve upon for next year.
Then came the main challenge. The improv challenge. Common Cents (our team name) was ready to perform. So at 1:45 on April 6th, Izzy, Luciano, Amelia and myself got ready to perform. I could do a play by play of our challenge but I won’t. You can watch our performance here:
Our team placed second in the Province for the secondary level.
Looking back now at Provincials, I am the most proud of this D.I performance. I haven’t ever really felt a huge sense of improvement regarding last year’s performances (click here and here to see the posts for Regionals and Provincials), but this year I saw a clear distinction between our two performance. Which brings us to our next section.
The results: Regionals vs. Provincials
Again, I could do a play by play if the improvements in each tiny little category but I have a few visual representations that can save you a lot of reading time.
Exhibit A) Our Regionals Score and Provincials Score :
- Left: Regionals
- Rights: Provincials
Exhibit B) Here, you can see a chart we created were we showed how many points we could get, how much we got and how much we wanted to improve for Provincials:
Exhibit C) And here we combine it all together in that handy table below. The percentage we improved by in each category:
As you can see we improved by almost 25-30% in almost every aspect of our performance. And now the final category!
My D.I goals for next year.
I have a few goals for next years D.I, but I think the main one would be definitely to have a better performance at Regionals. I don’t expect my future team and I to excel the first shot i.e. Regionals, but I want to be able to have a performance I am proud of.
To sum up: I’m super super pumped about our teams journey and want to do better in Regionals the next go round. Until next time!