Inside The Mind Of Gabi

Wake Up And See The World

Month: May 2015

Blue Sky: So… Should I Call A Camera Crew?

So you might be wondering about my Blue Sky Project I’m working on… It’s going hella awesome!!!!

I’ve been getting everything ready and organized to (finally) start to construct my idea and make it come to life. If you don’t know what my topic is, I’m pretty much taking pictures of recyclables around my community and showing them to a variety of people who live in the area. I’m also going to be making an iMovie that documents my progress and gives some background info on recycling where I live.

During the week I made up a few questions to ask the interviewees, that I will be talking to about my pictures, and this weekend I took a few pictures and started to think about what my iMovie is going to look like.

We have quite a lot of class time to work on our projects, and in the future I hope I use it wiser than I have been: I think that I could work on being more productive and wary of the time limits of the project. I tend to be distracted by my friends, or just the atmosphere of the classroom (things to talk about and stuff to laugh at etc.)

If I fix my distractedness (DEFINITION: the ability to be distracted… I think I just made a new word?!) I will be on the right track for success with my Blue Sky!


What A Blue Sky!

A Blue Sky Project. 

Well… What is it? A Blue Sky Project, aka Passion Projects, 20% Time, Genius Hour etc, is a project that you can base on any topic you want… As long as it includes a driving question.
For my Blue Sky, I decided to take something that I’m very passionate about, and use it to change someones thoughts or opinions of something. I’m going to take photos of recycled items in natural areas in and about my community, and I’m going to show them to a few locals and interview them about “how the pictures affect their ideas and actions towards recycling”.

To start off my project, I had to pitch my ideas to my teachers, then to my parents, to make sure that my project was a doable one. After that I created a timeline with all of the steps I will take to complete my project. Here it is:


This week I have already begun to research and plan out how I’m going to actually show and present my project. I have decided to make a photo scrapbook and an iMovie. I’m very excited to see these two pieces of my project form and take their shape through the next couple of weeks!

What’s New With The Metaphor Crew

Next week, our Metaphor Machines are due, so we are hustling to get them all ready and finished. This past week, Zak and Michael have been starting to put all of the finishing touches of our machines together, Anatolia and Chris have making our movie rough cuts, and Nash and I have been finishing off our machine blueprints.

We have been conducting many changes in our plans, and we are very good at figuring out different ways to make our machine better. We have thought out many senarios about how this machine could go wrong, and we have sorted them out and fixed them.  Having all the right people in this group has made this project thrive, and I am confident (I think) that the machine will work well, just as we hope it will.

New Update: Metaphor Machine Construction

This past week, We have started to construct and build our machines and ours is coming along quite well. Everyone in our groups were assigned a certain job or focus area to work on. There are the engineers, the architects, and the storytellers.

IMG_2566 IMG_2568 IMG_2567

I am an architect, and that means that I am responsible for making the final draft and real copy of our machine’s blueprint. But it is expected that we don’t finish it all at once because the engineers are testing every part of our machines and the plans and designs are always changing. 

We have been gathering all the materials we need for our machine, and are now cutting wood, assembling popsicle sticks, testing marbles, trialling simple circuits, and much more. I find that our group is really doing well at making sure that all our simple machines and the whole design can function properly by trail and error testing everything.


I think our group could have better communication skills, like, we take a really long time replying to questions or thoughts that we have in our iMessage group chat. We also have to try and work on staying focussed because a lot of our group is distracted by other groups, other group’s machines, and online bidding (?).

Anyways, other than those few things, I’m confident that my Metaphor Machine group is on the right track to finish with a great product!

Metaphor Machines And What We Imagine They Look Like

We’ve carried on with our Metaphor Machine, and we put together some ideas about how it can come together and represent the French Revolution.

These past few days, we split up as individuals and began to draw and sketch out some potential designs. Before this activity we had already done a rough sketch of what we wanted the machine to resemble, as a group. We had also previously written down some metaphors that we can fit in with the French Revolution, which we then added into our drawings.





After we had finished our own drawings, we came together into our groups and merged the designs into a rough blueprint that we all agreed on. I think ours looks very logical and interesting. We have mapped out all the knicks and knacks and we know exactly how it’s going to function.


I’m happy with how far we’ve come with our planning and organization of our machine, and I’m excited for the next steps we need to take in order to make it even better.

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