
Hey guys, near the start of the year I created a blog post titled mPol’s that were about my mid-year presentation of learning. This post is going to be almost the same to that post because this is about my tPol’s which is the same thing as mPol’s but just about the whole year. So without further ado please enjoy my tPol blog post.

The first subject I’m going to be talking about is maker and I have decided to specifically focus on DI since there was a lot of teamwork involved. Although DI was super stressful and was probably causing a lot of anxiety for me it was a great learning experience. When I first got my team I was really annoyed, I mean four of the most talkative students in our class in one group was surely a recipe for disaster. However I tried my best to keep an open mindset even when we seem like we were going to fail. I leaned a lot about working with a team of people, like find something for everyone to do or else if one person gets off task others will follow, or everyone has strengths and weaknesses but it’s important to know both so you don’t set your teammates up to fail. I’m going to use what I learned from this years DI and apply it to my team next year and other group projects as well.

Now lets move on to science or more specifically Meg and my Disease project. Since I don’t have a blog post on this project I’ll tell you a basic run through of what we had to do. Basically in pairs we had to research a disease, place what we found on a slideshow, and present it to the class. To save time while also giving our best effort Meg and I decided to divide up the different sections that we had research so our research didn’t get all messed up and so we also didn’t research stuff we didn’t need to. This resulted is a clean finished product that had all the facts we needed but still had room for improvement. I believe that the way Meg and I divided up the work saved us a lot of time and conflict and I’m going to continue to use it through out my life.

Next subject I’m going to talk about is math, now there wasn’t many projects we did in math so I’m going to talk about the worksheets we did in math instead. I rarely finished a worksheet during class so instead of just leaving it I took responsibility for my learning and continued to work on them until I was finished and could hand them in. I worked on them during class and sometimes at home when I had nothing else to do. However I can always improve so I think next year I will just continuously work on the worksheet until it’s done so I can take some stress off of my shoulders before the weight becomes too much.

Finally for Humanities I will be talking about our tempest unit or more specifically the background for our tableau. Both of these things required a bunch of revision so it was a good candidate to talk about for revision. When Rhiann and I were making the background we thought it looked pretty good and the animations were great too but unbeknownst to us it was way too cartoony. I had to revise the whole background and redo all the animations, this was really annoying so next time I’m doing something like that I’m going to make sure that I know what my teacher wants in the work instead of just guessing.

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