Hey guys, it’s been a while since I did one of these posts wrapping up our most recent project but after the weeks of the smaller posts giving you a peek at what we’ve been doing, I’m finally here to reflect. Now, as you could have probably deciphered from the last few posts, our most […]
Games of Our Childhood
Hello you beautiful people, it has been another week of the year end grind and I come to you with my thoughts on games from the 50’s vs. present day. For some context, as we reached the end of our unit on Canada in the 1950’s, Ms.Maxwell decided that we would take a look at […]
The American Influence
So as many if you will probably know, Eurovision just finished a bout a week ago with Italy taking the win. There were some great performances like the ones from the Ukraine and Iceland and some that you wonder how they got to the finals in the first place. And as always, the UK got […]
Suburbs of Then and Now
Bonjour tout le monde, as usual, I’ve been researching for our current PLP project, specifically about the appeal of the suburbs and the communities that were created from them. There were some interesting things I found, but one thing that was pretty interesting was how these suburban communities could almost be seen as modern day […]
A short but sweet look at disney and the nuclear family
As you know, we’ve been looking at the development of the world and daily lives after the war in the 1950’s and today in class we looked at the importance of Disneyland in 1950’s America. The history of Disney itself is a tale unto it’s own, however, today I would like to talk about the […]
Ballets of the East and West
Hola y’all, it’s the beginning of a new quarter and we’ve already gotten our new project for PLP. As you may remember from earlier this year, we’ve been looking at WWII for the history part of Socials so obviously the next step would be to look at the after math of the war and how […]
The Waltz of WWII
Hey guys, for the last few months us students in PLP 10 have been working on creating and publishing our very own podcasts. They could be about anything we wanted as long as the focus didn’t become too specific and I decided I wanted to make mine about the history of dance and different events […]
One Of The Greats
Hey guys, if you’ve been reading my blog posts for a while you probably know that I have a specific way of writing them, a signature if you will. But today I’ve decided to change it up a bit and add a few text features to my post about our recently finished project ‘The Greatest […]
Suprises Aren’t Always A Good Thing
I don’t know about the rest of you but this last week has been riddled with one surprise after another, some more welcome than others. For the last five weeks or so my class has been working on our first project of this year for Humanities which was to create a trailer for a podcast […]
There is No Glory in War
Hey guys, the last few months have been hectic, especially in school, but somehow our PLP teachers managed to still take the time to create fully fleshed out projects for us to complete. And our latest humanities project, “The Great War”, is no exception. As you can probably tell from the name this project surrounded […]