You see that weird title above you, want to know what that means, well then keep reading. As you already know, I have talked about the first maker project that I made in PLP, in this post I am going to talk about my first Humanity’s project. In that project we as a group of four people, read an amazing book called the outsiders, learned about what is world view, and we created a song based off of the song, It’s the end of the world as we know it that talks about our world view, see here,
The Novel Study
At first, I wasn’t exactly thrilled to here that we were doing a novel study but I had to go with it. How we did the novel study was a way that I had never seen done or heard of. We were put into groups of three or four people, we achieved had roles, members one and four (A.K.A me) were to do a specific sheet with a specific area about the book, the same went for group members two and three, they both had their own sheet. We did this for a while, we would have benchmarks for the number of chapters we had to read in the book, then we would write our sheets based on the text that we read. We would then have a discussion every Friday and show what we had written. We did this for the entire book. During this project the class learned about this thing called world view and helped us find out what ours was. We were then told that we had to make lyrics about our world view that had to go with a song. I know! I was terrified to but I eventually made the lyrics with some help from my parents. The song we were to match our lyric with was Its the end of the world as we know it by REM or as we like to call it I.T.E.O.T.W.A.W.K.I. Once all of us were done that nightmare, then it got worse, our teacher told us that in our reading groups, we had to combined all of our lyric into one song, sing it, record it, and make a video for it, now here is what my Brian told me after I heard that, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OVER LOOAAADDD!
The Song
Now my song was not like the others, see I was sick at the time so I had know idea when I had wrote my lyric that they were supposed to be about our school transition which is what everybody wrote about, the message that I got before I got sick was that I was supposed write about my world view which is exactly what I did but mine and theirs didn’t mix. So that bit was a little awkward but eventually we were able to agree on what lyrics to include in our song, now it came to the hard part, recording it and making the video. First, one person for the group had to download the backtrack to our song into garage band, then we could start recording the song to the back track. We sang our verses that we had chosen and did our best to record us singing it and that’s where our problems started. One of the biggest problems we encountered was that the IPad was having trouble picking up our voices unless we talked at a specific volume. We eventually worked it out so that the sound was decent enough that we didn’t sound like robots. The next step of the project was fairly easy, one person in our group was to create the video in IMovie. The whole group submitted photos of us at various ages and doing different things and where put into sections where we sang, after all was said and done the group member submitted it and we were done.

This project taught me that I could make my own song, record it, and make a video from it, it also taught me that I could work with a group to create something that we were all proud of then show it to the whole world! I thoroughly enjoyed this project and I am very proud of the product we created!
Links and Resources
Here is a link to my YouTube channel if you want to checkout other videos.