I Attempt To Be Tom Cruise For A School Project!

I Attempt To Be Tom Cruise For A School Project.

That’s right! You’re finally getting it! This project actually was easier then I thought, now don’t get me wrong, the preparation for the Winter Exhibition was long and it was a lot of work but the actual presentation was quite easy.

We Prepare…  A LOT!

It all started with preparation, we as a group spent hours on it, our first job as a group was to go through all of our art charts (which was an assignment from the last project that was sadly resurrected) picking the best images for each category.  The categories were as follows geography, values, belief, knowledge, society, economy and time. After a while we planned out our first tableau for our triptych. See, the way that the triptych was going to work was that we were going to take all of the learning that we had gathered over the corse of the semester and put it all into this so we were going to have three sections, medieval for The Book of The Lion and the Crusades, Renaissance, for the learning we had done most recently, and finally the modern or contemporary section as we liked to call it.  We had on the first day about planned the medieval section and was going to start to build some of the elements we were going to need.

The next day we continued to plan, and over the corse of the next couple of day were just about done planning everything out, now we just had to build it. Now I would like to give a huge thanks and shout out to some of my group members who while we were planning, at home were spending hours working on the props that we were going to use, thank you, we would have not been able to do it without you guys! 

After we had planned out everything now it was a race against time to build everything!


Here is the total triptych image all put together.

The first photo (medieval) shows a peasant paying taxes to a tax collector in the form of a goat which we resolved by the finding a straw goat. Then we see a master teaching his apprentice how to use a sundial which was made out of cardboard to show how they learned back then. We have a church which was also made out of cardboard showing values. Then we have me, the king holding a spear (also cardboard) which i used an old costume for. Lastly we have a river which represents geography and how they got around… ALSO MADE OUT OF CARDBOARD! Look if you see a prop that were not wearing its made out of cardboard.

Here is our medieval tableau on presentation day!

Then the second photo (Renaissance) shows a peasant buying an indulgence which was a way you could erase your sin. Then we have the same river with a boat also representing geography (also cardboard). Then we have me representing the Catholic Church to show the value and power of the time. We also have a clock representing the invention of the time and a way that society lived. Finally we have a peasant praying to the church and a person reading a book because it shows how they passed on knowledge during that period.

Here is our renaissance tableau on presentation day!

Now finally we have the modern tableau, it has me as an Apple Store which we tackled by making the back side do the church look like an Apple Store so that all I had to do was flip the church around during changes. Then we have a pedestrian purchasing some food from a grocery till and we have a person studying on Wikipedia which shows how knowledge is passed down and attained. Then we have the river, which on the backside we painted a road to make it easier during changes with a car on it representing geography. Finally we have a scientist showing values and how we have grown to value science more then in the past. Unfortunately i do not have a photo of this on presentation day but you get the picture!

The Explaining!

So, you may start to remember something’s from the previous post, such as the  art chart and several of the subjects that we used for this and you would be right, this was the total and final presentation of our learning! As I said before over the past semester we were to put all of our learning into this. So I have been instructed, COUGH, excuse me, I have decided to add in both of the paragraphs that I wrote on what I had learned about both subjects, enjoy!


This book taught me that many things today are very similar to back then and things from back then in medieval times have carried over to modern times in force. For example the. Way we run the economic has barely changed from what it was back then, except for some minor modernizations. This has changed how I understood how the medieval world view was back then and how it worked, it also changed how I saw the way that things have changed since then and what has stayed the same, this was a great and eye opening experience and would love to do it or something similar again!


Learning about the Renaissance worldview helped me to understand how they thought and what they knew, also it showed me how lucky I am not to live in a society like they did then. The Renaissance was a “golden age” of invention and thinking, while it was a golden age, many horrible things happened, such as the witch hunts and the schism of the Catholic Church. It makes me feel lucky not only live in a society that tears itself apart multiple times, not to mention the sickness at the time, with the plague. On the bright side it also showed me how much we owe to them in the creation of modern society. Such as laws, medical care, and the inventions to help us navigate the world, such as the telescope, and the clock. This showed me that the Renaissance was crucial to us today and I am thankful that there are still people out in the world that are like the great innovator and inventors of that time that are changing our world!                   


I know, I know, your probably board of herring some guy talk about his school project so I’ll spare you. Despite all of my complaining I really enjoyed this project and i was with a great group! I own them so much so I would like to give them a huge shout out! Thank you to Danny, Eloise, Isaac, Elsa and Robin! You all did such a great job and i am so thankful for it, now I don’t have there blog links on hand but I will like a website where you can find them all, just look under the PLP 8 section and you’ll find them… until next time everyone!

Links And Resources

here is a link to my previous post that were involved in this! Have fun reading them!

The Power Play!


here is the link to the website, again just click on learner profiles, go to the PLP 8 section and you’ll find them all, have fun reading about there experiences!

Learner Portfolios