The Declaration of MPOL
I, the student, thank you for coming to my presentation on learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
Projects I’ve Succeeded On:
One of the projects that I believe I have done well on was “The Power Play”, which was the project that involved the winter exhibition and our learning about The Crusades and the Renaissance. I think that our group worked well together and were able to cooperate and get things done in a timely fashion. I believe that I personally was able to work well and did my best to be as dedicated as possible to the efforts of the group. During this period, I had been going through some mental challenges and this had effected my work; however, I was able to build up enough resilience to conquer those struggles and get my marks up to where they should have been at the start.
The other project that I believe that I have succeeded on was destination imagination. I again was able to work well with that group of people, I attended meetings with the group and contributed as much as I could. I tried to be as dedicated to the project as possible, helping to build, paint, and contribute ideas to our team challenges. I believe that we, as a group, worked well together and I am very proud of our accomplishments and our teamwork as a whole.
What I need to improve on
I need to improve my timeliness of when I hand things in. One of the things that causes this to happen is I have a hard time starting an assignment; however, when I do start the assignment I tend to get it done. My parents and I have discussed this and we are creating a schedule of my assignments and their due dates to keep me on track.
Another area of improvement that I can work on, is the quality of my work that I submit. For example, I can improve on my spelling and work towards meeting the assignment’s criteria. The way I am planning on improving this is by spell checking my work more often and making sure that I can spell things properly. Another strategy that I am going to use is to re-read through the criteria and requirements, that way I can go through my work so that it is what my teachers would have asked.
Habits and Strategies
One of the habits that I can work on is t0 be engaged, For example, if the assignment isn’t appealing to my interests, I may spend less time focused on the project and that impacts the quality of the work. I can improve on this habit is by staying optimistic and also trying to engage in the work and or discussion.
I have enjoyed this class very much. The lessons and teachers have been great and the projects have been quite fun to work on. History is the topic that I am most interested in as part of the humanities block. I especially enjoyed learning about the Crusades because it was a new area of history that I wanted to learn more about.
I enjoyed maker as well. One project that I particularly liked was the first maker project with Mr. Harris. The WordPack and Memoji were very fun to create.
I wanted to learn more technology so that information came with open arms.
I have enjoyed science so far greatly, the teachers are very kind and I have especially enjoyed the labs. Also getting to study specimens under the microscopes in the classroom. I have had difficulty’s with the final assignment but I was able to adapt and get it done with what as required of me. I have always liked science, my dad being a teacher of several “sciences” I have been somewhat surrounded by them, so I was very happy to start science.
Thank you so much for listening to my presentation of learning, I hope you all have a great day and to many more successful projects. Frank, cue the curtains!