Declaration of the TPOL
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
My Learning Story
My learning story was a little all over the place, sometimes it was good and sometimes it was bad, here are some strengths and weaknesses that I have to work on through the summer to better myself as a learner.
Ownership and Responsibility
Ownership has always been one of my great strengths, and I think I have grown in it by always taking account for my work, never using any means of plagiarism or cheating. When I have used sites I have always sourced the links to give credit where it’s due. I have also taken accountability for my actions, when or if I do something wrong or against the rules I have always taken responsibility. If anyone else also breaks the set rules or code of conduct I try to report it to the right people to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. A great example of this is in this most recent project, where I took the responsibility to keep my group on task and work while also at home effectively building the project.

I have also grown by everyday when I come to school I am always ready to learn, the classes I have been participating in have been very fun and engaging. The way that the program works suites me best, and the level of learning is more engaging because it is the higher level learning, specifically in history that interests me most. I also always try to come to school with a growth mindset. Another good example of this was in the first exhibition in December. It was a project based in the crusades history and I was highly interested. So when the project was introduced I was very enthusiastic about working on it.
Self Regulation
Another strength of mine is my balance, I try to balance out my life by signing my self up for extra curricular activities such as school band and several sports such as climbing, ball hockey and sailing. I also try to set my own boundaries for what I do so I stay comfortable doing the activities and make schedules to keep track of my work and my other activities. An example from when this played a role was when I had sailing every Wednesday, it always helped clear my mind so I would come to school with a much better mindset.
Areas of Improvement
I definitely need to improve on my work ethic and due date management. My work ethic is not what it should be for a few reasons, one, my mental health how ever I have now been able to get over that. Another reason is that when I seen something I think that it’s going to be a really long haul and is going to take a really long time and just don’t feel like doing it, in other words I have a hard time starting things. Once I do I can get it done in an acceptable amount of time. Then my due date management needs work. It often ties into my work ethic but if I get behind I find it very challenging to get back up to speed. I tend to get overwhelmed easily and need extra help to get me back on track.
Summery/Driving Question
driving question:
How can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade?
In short I think that my answer to the driving question would be this, I think that I have areas to improve which I plan to create strategies over the summer that will help me improve for next year but I think that I have demonstrated evidence that I can advance to the next year.