Hello everyone! I’ve made it through PLP 8! And what do PLP students do at the end of the year? They do extra reflection on their growth as a learner throughout the year in the form of a TPOL. A TPOL stands for Transitional Presentation Of Learning, where you answer this driving question: “Why do […]
Category: ✍️Humanities
Socials studies & English
Exploring New France Perspectives
This is it folks! My last Humanities post of eighth grade! Interested about the final product above? Keep reading! Our driving question for this project was: “What did the establishment of New France mean for all people involved?”. We had the chance to learn about the impact of settlement on the multiple groups involved in […]
The Age of Exploration! 🧭🏴☠️⚓️
Ahoy! Avast, me hearties!! Welcome back to my blog! We have finished our 2nd last humanities project of grade 8, and it’s time for me to reflect on my experience and learnings throughout the project. This project was called “Argh, Matey”, and the central topic of this project was European exploration. We were told that […]
The Renaissance: A Change Engine
Hello readers! Welcome back to my awesome blog! This post tells the story of my learning through our most recent Humanities project on the Renaissance and some of it’s everlasting effects on the world today. Don’t know too much about the Renaissance? Follow along and you might learn something you hadn’t known before on […]
MPOL 2022: Midyear Presentation Of Learning!
MPOL- mid year presentation of learning Hello everyone! This is my MPOL blog post, and I don’t suppose you know what that means, if you don’t do PLP. MPOL is an acronym for Midyear Presentation Of Learning. And since we are approaching the end of semester #1, we’re nearly at the halfway mark of the […]
Working with words!
For our final project of Humanities this semester, we explored poetry. The project was called working with words and our driving question was “ How might I construct text that shows who I am right now?”. I loved this project because you could be as creative as you want with your poems with the exception […]
The Outsiders- living tableaus and live audiences!
Hello readers! I’m so happy to say that we’ve finished yet another project and completed another public exhibition to showcase our work! Our second humanities project was about worldview and “ The Outsiders”. To show our understanding of both these topics, we presented two tableau’s to a live audience. At the end of each project, […]
The Medium is the Message
An advertising project. In this summative post, I will be looking back and reflecting on my growth as a learner throughout our first humanities project. This project was all about advertising and questioning how what we read, hear and see influences us. By following the steps of the project path, we can now answer the […]