Chemical Reaction project

Moving on from biology this term we learned all about chemistry.

We first refreshed on what we learned last year about the periodic table, properties of the chemical families, and figuring out the mass and atomic number.

Periodic table and chemical families

Protons and neutrons 

We also learned some new things in chemistry like the Lewis diargram and ionic bond, covalent bonds, balancing chemical equations and more

Lewis Diagrams quiz

Balancing chemical equations

We had two options on our project for this unit either to create a video on how do chemical reactants act like characters? Or an experiment with that demonstrates how can chemical reactions be used to identify the composition of an substance?

My partners Willa and Ruby decided to do an experiment.

Before jumping in to the experiment we learned how to successfully design and do the an experiment by doing multiple experiment in class.

Science experiment: total mass before and after reaction

Carbon dioxide experiment

something I learned about doing an experiment is that your prediction being right isn’t the point of the experiment. What makes a good experiment is if you can explain from previous knowledge or further research why the experiment did what you predicted or not.

Once we had a good idea about creating a successful experiment it was time to make our own. We decided to test multiple household items acidity.

Here is our  rough experiment design: 

You can read our more about our project and research here

We filmed our project in class and then later presented the video explaining the experiment. To make our video stronger we added music and text.

I have learned a lot about chemistry this unit. At the start of this unit we did a mind mad on what we know about chemistry. Now that we finnished this unit we created another one to compare.



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