Tpol stands for ‘Transitional presentation of learning’. In this post, I’m going to explain why I think I’m ready to move on to grade 9.
The Driving Question: Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?
Also, because I have to include this, and I won’t remember it, here is the pol statement:
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
First I’m going to talk about my learning plan. Here is my learning plan:
Here is this core competencies part-
Under communication, I said I wanted to reach profile 4. I have done that. In collaborating, I believe I’ve reached profile 3. Over the year, my teamwork skills have strengthened, and I’m better at working collaboratively in groups.
In creative thinking, I said I wanted to be profile 3. I can do that. For the critical and reflective thinking, and all the personal and social ones, I still need to work on those, but I have made progress on them.
Let’s look at what I wanted to grow in for Humanities, Scimatics and Maker.
I wanted to work on critiquing others people work. I have gotten a bit better at that. I can offer helpful feedback to my peers sometimes, but most of the time I don’t know what to say. I also wanted to grow in offering ideas to the group more. I don’t think I’ve made progress on this goal, but I haven’t gotten any worse at it, I still give ideas if I’m in a group, I just don’t go out of my way to do so. Presenting in front of larger groups. This hasn’t really changed, but I’m good at presenting in front of smaller groups, like at the Spring Exhibition, when only a few people would come up at a time.
Now for the last part of my learning plan.
Disposition: I find it hard to focus on school work now, and I get distracted easily, so I’m not really focused on my goals most of the time. I’m going to work on this. I am supportive of my classmates. I try to help out my peers whenever I can.
Habits: I do check Showbie a couple times a day, and I always put assignments into Things, because if I don’t, I won’t remember to do it. I’ve gotten a bit better at focusing on doing one assignment at a time, but I still need to work on it a bit more.
Systems: I usually do all the steps in my system, except parts of step 3. I do work on whatever’s due soonest, but I don’t stay working on one thing and then I get distracted.
Enough of the learning plan. So here’s a couple questions I’m gonna answer.
What project did you struggle with? Why?
Not really a project, but the thing I struggled most with was DI. I got very stressed in the build up before the tournament, and I was really worried something would go wrong. It was also hard to keep the group together and focused when we were trying to practice improv. After performing the skit though, I realized it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Over this year, I think I’ve gotten a lot better at presenting in front of people. I still get stressed, but it’s a lot better than it used to be.

What skills did you use and what skills do you need to continue to develop?
I have used many skills this year. Working collaboratively in groups, using my iPad for stuff, such as photography, drawing, etc. coding games, design and more. One thing I really want to work on is my ability to focus. I usually get distracted by something during class, and then I don’t get much work done, and then I have to do it at home, and then I don’t want to do it, and I have to finish the assignment the night before it’s due. I think I can work on this by, if I’m getting distracted, to take a break for a couple minutes to refocus, then get back to my work. And, if I have homework due, to try and get it all done as soon as I get home from school so I don’t leave it for too long and have to rush to finish it later.
Next, I’m going to show some of the work I’ve done.
The thing I’m most proud of for Maker is my geek out blog posts. I thought I did a good job explaining aspects of Japanese culture and language.
Something I wish I could’ve done better in Scimatics is the comic cells project. I didn’t start working on it till it was a few nights before, and I kinda rushed parts of it and I could’ve added a lot more detail.
Another thing I’m proud of is how my new beginnings visual turned out. I thought the photo I took was nice, and the symbols I drew were good.
Throughout the year, I’ve gotten way better at speaking in front of people (I don’t panic as much anymore, and I don’t burst into tears), I’m able to use my iPad to create various kinds of media and present and reflect on what I’ve learned. I also work well in groups. I know I have to work on a couple things, but I believe I’m ready to go into grade 9.
That’s the end of my Tpol!
Thanks for listening!
Also, one last thing-
Here’s a picture of my dog, Ty