An Introduction To Neurology


I’ve always been interested in the human brain, ever since I got a book called, “How The World Works Neuroscience”. It kind of sky-rocketed from there on. I find how the human brain connects to the body fascinating, and how each individual part of the brain and spine play such a significant role in day to day life. I feel that neurology matters to me mainly because its a field I know I can go into one day to help people. I like finding ways to help people. These next few blog posts I publish will be mainly about this topic, as it is what I chose my Geek Out topic to be. The next posts will go deeper into the topic, as this was just an introduction. 


Why does neurology stand out to me?

Im actually not 100% sure why neurology stands out to me so much. I’m sure it has to do something with helping people like I said, but at the same I won’t be actually able to help anyone for years. I guess it’s something I’m just attracted to. I love doing research. Over winter break I did a whole research project on butterflies (and the human brain of course) just to keep me busy. I love learning new things and finding new interests.

What are some basic things to know before getting into neurology?

Firstly, neurology is a massive topic and isn’t just about the brain. The definition of neurology (from here) ; Neurology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities. It has two major divisions: Central nervous system: the brain and spinal cord. 

Basically, neurology is the branch of medicine that deals/researches disorders of the nervous system, which include the brain and spine, blood vessels, and nerves. 

I don’t want to give away to much quiet yet, so I will see you in my next posts. Bye for now!


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