Mpol Blog Post- What Have I learnt So Far?

Hello! Ive decided that I am gonna talk about my biggest learning curves and how I improved afterwards.

At the beginning of the school year we learnt how to work our iPads and the apps included.

The first project that I wanna talk about my advertisement project from Humanities. We worked with a group to come up with a final advertisement to send to our assigned business, our group got honey donuts. Each individual person got to do their own drafts of the advertisement so we could pick witch one we wanted to use as our final advertisement in the end.  

I really loved working with my group for this project. It was my first time working with a group and It was nice always having a place to go to when your stuck on something. I definitely found my favourite part of PLP so far is working with a team, Ive never gotten to do that before. I feel that when Im in a group I can improve on sharing my ideas more openly rather than just waiting for someone to bring up the idea. Im getting better at that now, but I still have some work to do. Something that I struggled with the most was coming to agreements with our group.

I was able to learn a lot a lot about my iPad, I have so many apps and resources now since joining PLP. 

Next Project I want to talk about is Constructing Creative Communication from maker. This project did push me out of my comfort zone in some ways, but it did help a lot in the end. We got to learn how to construct creative communication using photography and art. Im not to comfortable with drawing but after doing it for awhile I definitely did see an improvement.

I can now use all of the tools in the app Sketches, and confidently draw. (Mostly.) Some work I’m most proud of was definitely the photos I was able to create when I was in the Herzog group.

And finally my Board Game project from Scimatics. I don’t think I did my absolute best in this project but I did grow in this project. I was able to present my board game to my teachers, and my classmates. I feel like I could have took my time a bit more when I was actually creating my board game. My presentation skills, I am less nervous when speaking to the class.  

Every night after I get home I look at my things list to see what some upcoming deadlines are, projects that are due, and things that I know I should get started on. Throughout each project I feel that I’ve gained a much better understanding of how to properly work in groups, communicate better, and creative+critical thinking, along with time management. 

Thanks for reading!

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