Heyy welcome back to blog. I just finished my last scimatics project of the year.. pretty crazy. I cant belive this is my last project of grade 8. I am glad that my last project was science related though, as I love science. Just like my mum! Anyway, I had tons of fun this past project and I hope you have just as much fun reading my blog. Unlikely… but oh well.
Driving question: How do cells and diseases interact?
Wow oh wow. The main goal of this project is to create a comic about how your body and cells react, respond and fight certain diseases! At the start of this project we were able to pick out what disease or virus we wanted to use for our story. I chose Covid-19 as the virus I wanted to use.
We started off by making a wanted poster for our virus! Before hand, we had to do a bit of research about it to learn how the virus reacts with the cells, along with how many people have been effected.
We were also able to read some textbooks and do some workbooks to build our knowledge, as well as some Khan academy tests.
These helped alot, as this made a base for alot of peoples stories. Once we had enough knowledge and a solid idea of how everything worked, we started to create our storyboard.
The storyboard was a good way to get all of our ideas out and starting too put our story together! We also got to draw pictures and things like that to tie everything together.
For our actual story we had to make sure to include 10 vocab words. We than were able to start on our actual story.
You can read my story here!!
-My core competencies-
1: This past project I have used my class time for learning and creating a comic book about cellular processes. I feel that I have payed my best attention and respected the person talking throughout this project.
2: Overall I feel I have shown that I know how to use the correct vocabulary in my comic story.
3: I do think that my virus characters interact in a scientific way. Also, I included how the disease interacts and how it effects the cells.
This project was super fun and I hope to do one like this again.