
Hello. So I have chose a few topics from each of the subjects that ive done this past year, that I feel best represents my learning, and best shows why I feel im ready to go up to grade nine!

First humanities. The first humanties project that I did, was medium is the message, or the advertisement project. That project was massive to me, as it was the first group project I had ever done before. Throughout each project, ive noticed my communication with my group has gotten stronger for sure. I don’t feel as afraid to share my thoughts with my group as I know we all have ideas that will strengthen our project, and make it better. All of our creativity and critical thinking together improves our final project as a group. 

second scimatics. In every single project ive done this year, I have made sure to show my responsibility by handing in my workbooks and my evidence of learning on time. During class time, I made sure to follow instructions as best as i could, to make sure i do my projects to the best of my abilities. If you go to my laser blog post, you can see me talk a little bit about the batteries and wires to power the laser. We had to pay alot of attention to Mr.Harris, to make sure the wire and batteries were connected correctly. When the batteries didnt work and we didnt have a working laser, we had to use critical thinking to try and figure out what the problem is.

lastly maker. I didnt do maker for very long, but I remember one thing that stood out the most for me. The journals that we did! I don’t remember what they were called, but I do remember how much I loved it! Having the ability to write about yourself and how you feel isnt something you get to do very often, especially during school times. I loved being able to think creatively about myself and what I like. We also got to talk about what we wanted to do when we are older! That was pretty awesome.

Im proud of how much ive been able to grow this school year, in so many ways. Ive seen alot of  improvement in my presenting skills, my writing abilities (like blog posts) and my communication when speaking in a class environment.  And yeah thank you for listening to my tpol… I really enjoyed reflecting on this past year, and Im quite looking forward to going into grade 9.

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