WWI comic
Hello, and welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be telling you about my most recent adventures in PLP; my WWI comic project AND exhibition. A lot of stuff happened, so I should quickly go through that with you!
Now, my WWI comic project. A project that my teacher couldn’t keep his mouth shut for 20 seconds about before it happened, and now… he is happy it’s over! My exhibition was very chaotic, but before I talk about that, I should talk about what got me there in the first place; writing a comic.
We were ordered to write our comic I think 2 weeks before the exhibition. Storyboarding took a week, and colouring and lining took another week. In fact, despite the fact that it looks like a good amount of time, I was on quite the time crunch. Drawing and writing a comic takes HOURS, like, a really long time. I had underestimated how long it would take, and had to stay up until 2AM to finish my comic… but it was worth it. Because when I was at exhibition, my comic was the goofiest and silliest looking one on the table. Wait… was that what I was supposed to say?
Yes, my comic wasn’t as… realistic, as everyone else’s… but it still looked great, so what’s wrong with that? Anyhow, onto the exhibition…
On exhibition night, I was sweaty, tired and hungry. I also only had one shoe on for half of it, but that’s a story for another day. I couldn’t eat what they had because I didn’t order anything, so I had some breadsticks and Soda that my mum had very thoughtfully brought for me. It was delicious, by the way.
I had my own little table that I shared with 4 other people, and I was at the very edge of it. While everyone else sat behind their tables, I sat right in front of mine because there wasn’t any more room for me. Very sad!
In total, I spent around 2 hours at exhibition. Which is actually a WAY shorter than usual, but, and don’t tell anyone this, the exhibition seemed very rushed. At least our part was rushed, everyone else’s was great,
Now, What would I do differently? There are a few things I would change, but the most prominent would definitely be getting less distracted so I have more time to flesh out my comic!! I get distracted by a lot of things when I’m in school, and I have a hard time focusing on one thing for more than 30 minutes (unless it’s a drawing I WILLINGLY want to do). I would also want to do this for my own sanity, and for my sleep schedule, because now it is ruined.
Though, I do like the cartoony style I did my comic in. Despite how I was picking on it earlier, I really do like it. Though a lot of people dislike or want to change their art, I am always confident and happy with my own.
OKAY, and that wraps up my WWI blog post. Thank you for reading, and come back later because I’m posting something else soon.