Winter Exhibition 2023


Every year, PLP has a massive exhibition with food, parents, projects, and crazy ideas. This post will cover our most recent exhibition and reflect on how my group and I got there.

What did we learn?

This Project started all the way back in October, shortly after we went to Alberta. For our grade, this exhibition was mainly based around revolutions and crane Britons theory. Crane Briton’s theory states that there are 4 stages to a revolution. The first stage is the incubation stage, in this stage there can be protests and a central problem. The next stage is the moderate stage, in this stage the protests increase and groups may start to form while tensions between the leader rise. The third stage is the incubation stage, in this stage it is total chaos and war, this is the peak of the rebellion. The final stage is the recovery stage, in this stage the government will either take back control or the leaders of the rebellion will continue to fight until they gain power and eventually everything will settle. Below are my notes and timeline.

Set up

After learning about that, we read animal farm which is a book about the French Revolution but instead of people there is animals. After the book reading we got to pick a revolution and get in groups for it. I chose Easter rising or in other words the Irish revolution. I ended up getting in a group with Jannik, Ryan, Finn, Matteo, Meghan, and Ailie. After having a week or so to study the revolution we all came together and started planning. We all had to make a Rube Goldberg machine which is basically a series of connects made up of dominos, marbles, blocks, etc. The machine had to metaphorically represent different sections of out revolution. We had about 2 weeks to build. Throughout the first week and a half we weren’t getting much done if I’m honest and I think we were just trying to follow a easier route. This worked well until we realized the exhibition was in a few days so we fully locked in and started building. I was very impressed with how fast our group worked and we had everything basically done when exhibition day came.

Along with the machine we also had to make a documentary to play along with our machine. In our documentary we talked a lot about the revolution and also showed our building process.


Exhibition Night

Every school year we only have two 12 hour days and this was one of them. The day started by just going to school normally and having a somewhat usual day except we spent our PLP classes setting up in the Library. When the 3 o clock bell rung everyone else left, but everyone in PLP still had 6 hours left in the school day. Directly after school we focused mainly on setting up our station and cleaning up the room we used to build. Shortly after that we had dinner which was white spot (yum). Directly after dinner we all went to our stations and the parents started coming in. We went through our machine about 10 times and it didn’t work every time but that was the be expected. Going through our machine for the first time felt like such a relief and reward, so much planning and work and it was all coming together a end result and I think we did a really good job. My job was to serve the food and drinks as well as present my connection which was the Irish flag splitting in half while a ball rolled through it. It was supposed to show the separation and hate between the 2 half’s of Ireland which initially sparked the revolution itself. During the night, I also had a job to host where I would just welcome the parents in the school and direct them which I did with Nikan. 

Before I knew it the night was coming to an end and we had to clean up. One of the best feeling in school is fishing a multi month project and being proud of it.


In the end I think this project went very well for me and my group. I learnt a lot about time management and construction and was very proud of the final product

Thank you for reading!

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