Louis Riel Blog Post

Louis Riel has been portrayed as a hero and a villain throughout time, what did we learn about Louis Riel over the past few weeks? After winter break we started learning about the history of Louis Riel and how people viewed him over time. In the first week we watched a lot of videos about him, including, History Minutes and War Stories. After learning about his death and how he helped the Metis we started to write a topic sentence for our paragraph. Shortly after writing the topic sentence I began to write my multi-paragraph composition. I finished my  assignment shorty after. The multi-paragraph composition consisted of me talking about how people have viewed Louis Riel differently over time and a short history about how he is remembered today. Down below are all my drafts, feel free to read them.


This is my first draft that got marked by my classmates. There are only 2 paragraphs and it is completely not edited.

This was my revised and finished draft that went to the teacher:




Sources for writing:

– War Stories “Red River Rebellion: The Métis Nations Fight For Survival”

– Manitoba Historical Society 

– Wikipedia 

Louis Riel Statue