My Frankenstuffie Blog Post

The Process

Have you ever turned a stuffy into a mutated stuffy? I have, and for this project we did so much more. The project started by me bringing in 3 stuffies to school to take apart and sew together in a mutated way. I didn’t end up getting that far in school so I did the majority of sewing at home. The final frankenstuffie had the body of a bear and the head of a bird with a massive hat from a yeti on his head. After the stuffie was done I started working on a graphic organizer for my new stuffie. The graphic organizer helped me make a story for my stuffie in 7 parts. After that, I picked my favourite part from the graphic organizer and made a story board, describing that part in further detail. The story board acted out how my final film would go for my stuffie which I started working on shortly after. My film ended up being about 3 minutes long. After I was done my video all I had to do is put it in my blog post which you are reading right now, then link it to a QR code for people to scan.

What Did I Learn?

Throughout the project I didn’t find that much stuff difficult until I had to make the video. We went over a few techniques in class but for the most part I had no idea how to start or even what to do. After some experimenting with different apps I finally made a scene in flipa clip and practiced with the app a bit to try and figure it out. Figuring out what to do and making one scene already took up a lot of time and I knew I had to find a better way to make my video. Eventually I started to use stock images on keynote and then add my green screened characters to make smoother, more colourful scenes. I ended up using this for most of the film but also tried a few other techniques including puppet-pals and procreate to add some drawings. I even made a animated, cartoon version of my frankenstuffie to make it more interesting. One thing I find very cool is that as the video goes on, you can see my skills improve. When I finished my video, just before spring break I was so relived and I was also very proud of it. I was pretty nervous when I first heard we had to make a video  our frankenstuffie a few weeks earlier but then just like that, it was over and way easier then I thought. Not only was it easier, but I gained a tremendous amount of skills from the whole project, not just the video.

Where Was I The Strongest?

I’ve talked a lot about what I found difficult and how I grew from it as a learner but I haven’t talked about what I think I did well in personally. Despite the video being difficult for me, I found making the graphic organizer and storyboard to be quite a good fit for how I learn and I didn’t struggle much. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy the video, I just mean it took a bit more effort to understand the process. With the graphic organizer and storyboard, I found it really interesting to create a story based completely of something I created, or more fundamentally, my imagination. It was like a creative outlet for me to just create a in depth, engaging, story.


In conclusion, I enjoyed this project a lot, It allowed me to be super creative in different ways and also problem solve. Some skills I learnt and grew on are animating, problem solving, drawing, telling a good story, and writing.

Thank you for reading my Blog Post!

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