By: Hunter Perry

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


 Grade 9 has been a massive year in growth and development for me for multiple reasons. The many projects throughout the year have affected me in positive and negative ways. Some projects that I think went poorly and felt negative in the moment, have just had good outcomes and taught me lessons on how to perform in future projects. In this presentation I will be answering these questions: what project do I feel I succeed in the most, what project did I learn from my mistakes the most, how do my expectations compare to my performance, and what evidence do I have to show I’m ready to graduate?

What Project do I Feel I Succeeded in the Most?

Throughout this entire year there have been so many projects and I feel differently about each and every one. One that really stood out to me happened quite recently. Not only was it a project but there was a exhibition as well. The project I am most proud of is our WW1 project. On this project I think I learned a lot of new skills as I usually do with projects but I also think I put some skills to the test. I’m always learning new skills from projects but when am I going to put them to the test? Well this project really pushed what I could do and made me demonstrate what kind of learner I am. Going into this project I had just spent a week in Mexico which meant I was behind when I came back. The skill I think I put to the test was time management. Obviously I was behind, but day after day I worked hard at school and home to get all the past assignments in and also the final presentation, which was the comic. In the end, just around the exhibition, I had everything done and ready just in time. Then the exhibition hit and I would say my table group and I did an amazing job presenting our work. The feeling of presenting Everything after a long project is the best and it felt like such a relief and pay off that I came into the project late and and came out of the project on time. Some key skills I think I built on in this project are teamwork, collaboration, and art. Some skills I think I put to the test are communication, time management etc.

Panel From my Final Comic

What Project Did I Learn From my Mistakes the Most?


Despite most projects having a good outcome for the most part, there have definitely been some that I was not as proud of or didn’t value as much in the big picture. I like to view my “failed” projects as mistakes to learn from, I’ve noticed a pattern in my projects that always after a poor project is one I value which shows that I’m only learning from each one. In this case, the one I am least proud of has got to be my frankenstuffie project. That project just didn’t go well for me. I talked a little bit about this one in my mPOL actually, but even now its still what I’m least proud of. Given the amount of time we had to do work and make the final video I really don’t think I succeeded well. We had to read a novel in which I kept postponing And didn’t even finish it. Then all of a sudden I had to make a video and I was extremely underprerppeared. I also waited a bit to long to start the video as well, which also had a greater effect. My final video was weak and didn’t demonstrate who I am as a learner in my opinion. Looking back it might even be the project I’m least proud of even compared to some grade 8 projects. At the time of the project I was trying to get better at time management but I didn’t really know what I was doing and didn’t have much discipline towards the project. Some skills that I already knew that I didn’t follow were: Communication, Prioritization, and Time management. Looking more on the bigger outcome of this project is me being a better learner and I think that all the downs of this project have only helped my future ones. I think without this my WW1 project would have been worse since that one relayed on time management for me to catch up. Another example is Nationalism project. Without having a somewhat bad video for my frankenstuffie project I don’t think my nationalism project would have been nearly as good. Now that I’m done talking about where I did good and bad I want to talk a bit about how my expectations compare to all this.

My Frankenstuffie

How do my Expectations Compare to my Performance?

As usual, at the beginning of the year everyone made a learning plan, including myself. I remember aiming for a proficient in all subjects which I somewhat achieved. Some skills I wanted to work on were focus, teamwork, presenting, and time management. Being 100% honest I don’t think my focus has improved much at all, I stated that I wanted to make better seating choices but I never really saw that take off and that is 100% my fault. I should have been more aware that I should follow the goals I set and stick to what my expectations for myself are. Under the category of goals and self assessment in the PLP learning behaviours I would say that focusing is a goal I set and didn’t achieve in a sense because, again of my seating choices which seems to be my biggest struggle. Also in the PLP success behaviours form I stated I made growth in reflection, I would say reflecting on work is something that comes in close ties with advancing and time management, leaving enough room for improvement is always good. Lastly I think I have grown tremendously on outside of school working and being able to manage my time, this is by far the biggest thing I’ve worked on this year and it’s gonna stay with me forever.

What Evidence Do I Have to Show I’m Ready to Graduate? (Conclusion)

With everything I learned this year, I think It has been my biggest year in growth since I was born, it may not have been the year with the most success, or wins, but for me, I learned that learning and growing on skills is what makes me the learner I am now. As for evidence that I can show to support this, I think that’s all in my blog posts and most past projects. In the PLP success form, evidence I can use to support the points I made earlier is where I am now, who I am now, and  the type of learner I have become since September. All of this is the outcome of me following PLPs expectations to be a successful learner. I think that without PLP I would not be anywhere close to where I am now, the amount of opportunities to improve as a learner this program gives is why I’m where I am now. And that is why I believe I am ready to graduate to Grade 10

Thank you for reading/listening!

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