Finding a Mentor
Other then school trips to Oregon and Alberta my favourite day that PLP has given me was the one I spent at Chinook Helicopters for our “mentor for a day” project. I feel like I always struggled to find a mentor. This project wasn’t the first time I have been asked who my mentor is or who I look up to the most. There are many people that I look up to and I would usually just end up saying some celebrity that I found cool at the time, but I found I never really had a mentor to help me with where I want to go in my life. Since I want to become a Commercial Pilot when I’m older or at least work in the aviation industry It’s difficult to find connections and know people that are in it. For this project it was no different. I just couldn’t find a way to shadow a Pilot, or aviation related job so I settled for less and I was going to shadow Dip. Co for a day. Don’t get me wrong, I love Dip Co, but owning a sandwich shop isn’t at the top of my list. I had the day booked, to go into Dip Co for a day and interview the owner. As I went home from school that same day, my mom told me about a friend of a freind that had just got his piloting license. This was perfect, I would shadow him for a day. The only issue is that Piloting wasn’t his job as he just got his license, so he would have to take time off his actual job to go all the way out to Abbotsford (where he got his license) to meet with me. Which he was very happy to do.
My Day at Chinook
It was settled. I would go out to Abbotsford for a day at chinook helicopters so he can show me all around the facility and give me a insight to what its like to have a aviation license. Before I knew it the day was here. I woke up at 7am and drove out to chinook helicopters with my mom and we met Matteo there. The place looked familiar, turns out almost 2 years ago I had been to that same airfield for the Abbotsford Airshow, except this time there was no food trucks. For the first half of the tour we went to the mechanical and repair hanger where the helicopters had their blades off, and doors open, getting fixed up for their next flight. After that we toured the classrooms and sign out area, where once you get your license you sign out to fly for the day. We then walked out on the tarmac and saw all the helicopters lined up, and even one landing right in front of us. We then walked outside and around the the fixed wing side of the facility (airplanes). We walked through that hanger and I was able to ask all sorts of questions to learn even more about how things work and what the facility is like. After that, we left with Matteo to go to a nearby coffee shop so I could interview him.
Turns out Matteo doesn’t only have his helicopter license, but he also owns a cyber truck and he drove me in it to the coffee shop. I had never been in one before and It felt like a rocket ship and had so many cool things in it. Once we made it to the coffee shop I found a quiet space to interview him and I did. I asked about 6 questions while also just listening to him sharing his unique experiences. Like one time he landed on a rock at a alpine lake where you usually cant get to. I learned about how diverse helicopters are and some of the realities of getting your license.I had to attach the audio as a YouTube screen recording nothing else worked.
Not only did I get to go out to chinook helicopters because of this project, but Matteo offered to take me for a helicopter ride sometime and to check out some cool places. Upon reflection this day I had at chinook really sparked some even more motivation and interest into becoming a pilot. Thank you Matteo if you’re reading this.
Audio Reflection Skills
I learned quite a bit about making a audio reflection too, like the one you just heard. How to make background music, edit it, make it engaging. This project was like a 2 in 1 and I learned so many interesting and unique skills because of it.
Finally, to answer the driving question “How can learning from other’ career journeys help us shape our own”. In response to that, I feel that learning about other peoples careers, especially ones your interested in can be all it takes to give someone enough information or insight to know what its really like to have that job. Chinook helicopters did just that for me, and now that I learned so much about becoming a pilot, I just want to be one even more now.
Thank you to Matteo and Thank you for reading my Blog Post!