After a few weeks of planning and learning about filming and video, I have remade a short film called Run!
So running a remake was one of the more unusual projects that I have done, simply because instead of creating an original creation, we straight up copy someone’s else’s work. One of the first thing we did was watch the video a bunch of times and filmed up a first draft of Run!
Storyboard and screenplay
This was one of the big things we learned in class to aid the creation of the final version of the run short film. I think the screenplay was not needed for this project since the characters are not speaking, but the storyboards was needed more for the creatioin of the final version of the short film

So the day of filming was approaching and I forgot about it so I did not have the best costume for my character because I forgot about it. The filming part went smoothly but not in an ideal loacation. So in the end, I think my Run short film turned out pretty decent
I think in the end, the film turned out pretty good despite the circumstances. I think I did lots of work for my group and contributed lots for my group, which is a good feeling, I think for this project the things I did well were my video editing, but could be improved, also, I think my audio work skills were good in this project. Some things I could have done better was my acting in the final version of the film.