After 10 months of being in PLP, creating, envisioning, and learning, we are approaching the end of the year.
Mom and dad, this is ms kadi.
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner
The main event
We all are approaching the end of the school year this year and for PLP, it’s a time of reflection, looking back on how they did on all their classes this year. So the main 3 focuses are resilence, engagement and focus.
To tell my learning story this year for agency this year is resilience, resilience was not something that I experienced during the school year, it was only once or twice that I practiced resilience. It was during DI. One time for DI we had to do a dress rehearsals for our first tournament. Only me and Eloise showed up to the dress rehersal and we pushed through the rehearsal and it was hard not having 2/3 of our group not there. So overall, I think this was a great example showing resilience.
Engagement was also another competency I did not practice that often, like I only did it when we did DI and starting new project and doing group work. I think one of the best examples of me practicing contributing and enthuestic was on the Oregon trip when we were doing the ROV challenge at the Hatfield marine centre, I was doing the most work in the group, I was directing people on building the robot and this was one of the only times I was enthusiastic while learning, so overall, I think this is a great example of me demonstrating those competency’s.
Focus and work/life Balence
So I think for self regulation, most of the time I am focusing in class, but sometimes disengage with the class and think to myself and do other things on my iPad. About work life balance, I think I can change that to, like most of the time I go on my iPad back at home and do that for hours. So those are the things I can inprove in those competencies.
Science Reflection
So science class started in semester 2, which was 5 months ago. I think this class was fun and an interesting class as well, like we did some hands on stuff, which I did not do at my old school. We mostly did lots of writing and not much experimenting. In my science class this year, I had more fun doing experiments, like when we swabbed the school and found out which surfaces had the most bacteria. That was a fun experiment to do. Also, I thought this class quite easy and did not really push me out of my comfort zone. The only thing that really pushed me out of my comfort zone was when we were making the video game on scratch. It was fun but it was hard, I had a diffulct time getting the code to work and the game did not turn how i wanted it to. So overall, I think this class was fun, but mostly too easy because I knew 50% of the things that were being taught to me. So in conclusion, that is how I did in science class this semester!
Maker reflection
For maker, this was way back in semester 1, so this was an older me which was not as experienced now. First of all, I think it was a fun class at one point, an example of this was when we were playing around with superimpose X. I personally had a lot of fun playing around with all of the tools, making goofy photos that were photoshopped. Also, during the Blogging challenge, this was one project that pushed me out of my comfort zone. It pushed me out of my comfort zone because WordPress was a finicky website and I wanted to make my website look good, but it was very hard to do. So in conclusion, that project pushed me out of my comfort zone in maker this year. In the becoming a PLP learned project, I was exploring the apps on my iPad, such as keynote, so for this project, we used keynote to make a presentation, we did not presen in front of the class, we made a video of my presentation we me talking abot each slide. After this project, my keynote skills we good, I learned animating the letters, using the animation to make fidget spinners and stuff. A big project in maker that continued into the second semester was DI. DI was a competition to see who can make the most creative ideas come to life with a lot of rules. I chose the engineering group because that is my passion and my dad does a lot of engineering work with me. So I was put in a group with Eloise, Siena, Sven,Cole and Sawyer. We worked well as a team, winning first in the lower mainland tournament and second in the provincials. We worked well as a team together and we made lots of memories together. So in conclusion, that is how my maker class went this year
Humanities reflection
So humanities was as all year class because it was a mix of socials and English, I think personally, humanities was my least favourite class this year. I was bored in humanities class a lot because it was not that I knew everything, but non of the topics really interested me enough to like this class as much as the others. But also, I did have some fun in humanities, like when we had pirate packs in class for lunch, it was fun racing to build the boat and tryharding in the kahoot tournament, I didn’t become the kahoot champion but I did get a chocolate egg for winning the first round. We recently did a project called the wilderness must be explored where we went to Oregon for a week. At first I did not want to go, but then I thought about the things I will miss out on, So I went and it was so fun. The most fun part was when we went zip lining. This trip changed me as a person because I have not been away from my family for that long, I missed them on the trip but I still had fun, we ate so much good food that I felt like an American after the trip. This was one of the only times I had fun in humanties class and it was good. So in conclusion. That is how humanties went this year.
So from the last POL I had a couple of goals til I get to the TPOL. One of the goals I had as procrastinating less. I think overall, I have been procrastinating less than the last POL. I did this by reminding myself and just doing and getting over the work I have to get done. Another goal I had was staying consistent in grades in all of my PLP classes, the report cards have not come out yet but I think I achieved that goal. Now let’s talk about goals for next year in grade 9. My first goal that I want to accomplish is contribute more to group work in class and just do more in general. My second goal is be consistent in not procrastinating. I will do this by thinking that I will just push through it and reminders. Those are my goals for next year in grade 9.
Thank you for listing to my TPOL!