After you heard about our great success at the DI regionals in my first DI blog post, let me tell you about my experience at the DI provincials which were held at Johnston High School in Surrey. The first thing I want to say is, I think that provincials were pointless and I wish that DI had ended at regionals because I learnt everything I needed to know there, and nothing at provincials, it was basically just a repeat of what we had done weeks ago.
So since we were just redoing what we had done before with revisions like more enthusiasm when delivering your lines and speak at a good pace, there wasn’t much for my team to do because we had gotten first place so we asssumed that this was the best we could do and that was our first mistake, assuming that we didn’t have to do anything to our presentation just because we did well at regionals, we were very wrong. And because we didn’t change our presentation, we just did the exact same presentation and got scored lower for a reason that I don’t know myself.
Even though I feel like I was stressed out for nothing and don’t think that it was necessary, I am trying to think of it as a learning experience instead. So, what I learned from Destination Imagination Part 2:
#1. No matter what, ALWAYS revise your work even if you think its perfect because theres always something you can make better
#2. Improvising skills are very important in any presentation
#3. Never underestimate peoples abilities and skills, especially when you haven’t worked with that person before
If I had the choice, I wouldn’t take part in DI for the second time, I would much rather be a team manager for a younger grade but I’m not sure if that is a possibility. I would be much more proud of my work if I could help a group and watch them succeed instead of preforming myself.
If I had the chance to change our presentation, I would give the droplets more lines instead of so much improv, I would also make our queues for Owen to throw the rocks or move the waves much more clear, because (just like at regionals) we had moments where we would be wasting our time with random improv because Owen didn’t know when to throw the rocks.
In the end we didn’t do as well as we thought we did, we were all pretty disappointed in the results but I’m not gonna beat myself up over it because it’s over… until next year.