Hey everyone it is now December which for me means Christmas trees, advent calendars, and tinsel galore. Week 8 of the student blogging challenge asked us to do something about our favourite holiday or one we celebrate. This time of year my whole family celebrates Christmas. We have always celebrated Christmas but not in a religious way. We see Christmas as a fun time to spend with your family in the nice cozy winter.

jill111 / Pixabay

One thing I started doing more recently is getting much more decorations. Until about two years ago our house only ever really had a tree. But I thought two years ago that it would be fun to go crazy with it and really get into the Christmas spirit. We have continued to decorate much more since then.

Free-Photos / Pixabay

This year I decided I would take it another step forward and make some decorations. Mind you they are not very big or elaborate but they’re fun things I made. Here is my 3 Christmas DIYs video.

I hope you enjoyed the video and maybe you even made some of the crafts. Below I have a poll asking what you celebrate!

Click here to take the poll.