That’s a pretty fun video am I right? Keep reading to learn how it was made.

About 3 weeks ago our class was given an assignment to make a video documenting a live event. I happened to be away that day since I was attending a board game convention (a live event). So I went to that over the weekend and had a blast! Check out my blog post of the convention here.


Anyways, on the Monday when I got back to school I asked what the live event video was and Jordyn told me we had to make a video about a live event. I was kicking myself since I had just gone to something that would’ve been great. In the video we also had to include a

  • Timelapse
  • Slow motion
  • Photo with the ken burns affect
  • Change in speed
  • Interview

and of course lots of different angles.

So I brainstormed for what felt like forever until finally I realized using one of the many board games I had I could make an event. So I searched our rows and rows of games until I found pitch Car and thought it was perfect. For those of you who don’t know pitch Car is a game where you flick small wooden pucks around a track to win a race. Therefore my video was a sports network broadcasting the famous pitch Car Race.

I began by setting up the track. I wanted to make it short so that the birds eye view camera could see the whole thing, while making it long enough for it to not be done in one flick. I ended up going for a track similar to the nascar 0 with a few extra turns to make it look cool.

The next thing I did was storyboard. I brainstormed my characters, how the race would go, who would I interview. With all the information I needed I wrote my script and came up with my news networks name. I was PSN, Pointless Sports Network. Then once I did that I made an action plan with all the steps I had to take when filming and editing.

After all of this planning it became time to film. I set up two different constant angles for the main part of the race. I did this by putting my phone in a tripod for an above angle, and then stood my iPad up near the first corner. Then once we began filming I went around with my mom’s phone to get a few other shots.

The hardest parts about making this video were trying to keep my hands out of the shot, having it make sense, and trying to commentate. To make the race work I had to put my hand by the car to flick it but obviously I didn’t want that it my shot. So the whole time we were filming I was practically hiding under the table and just putting my hand up. Since this video wasn’t a real live event I was worried it wasn’t going to make sense. So I watched a quick video about a nascar race and tried to make it as realistic as possible. Lastly when it was time for me to voiceover the actual race commentary I had such a hard time. I just didn’t know what to say, which is ironic since I hear sports commentary all the time in my house.

Overall I really enjoyed making this video even though I had to overcome quite a few issues.