To top off Grade 7 my class was assigned a project called “Endless Summer”. The project assumed that we had won the lottery and had $200,000 to spend travelling anywhere throughout the summer before starting high school.

The criteria for the project included the following:

  • My travel plans had to have a theme
  • I was required to meet a classmate somewhere on my travels
  • I was required to do some social justice work
  • The goal was to spend as much of the money as possible
  • The presentation could be in any form other than a poster board
  • The presentation had to include an itinerary, budget and map

For my theme I decided to visit all the locations that my parents had lived in prior to moving to Canada. This took me to the UK, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. I really enjoyed learning more about where they came from. I found it fascinating that it was actually really tough to spend all the money. I booked expensive flights, and 5 star hotels along with a lot of fancy excursions and yet still had around $120k left over. I solved this by donating the remaining funds to the Refugee Organization where I volunteered in Stuttgart.

To present my project I used a tool called Mockingbot to create an iPad app. You can view my app by clicking on the image below: