Izzy's Insights

My Short Perspective on Life


Other Subjects

New Blog Style!!!!

Welcome back to my blog, this year things are going to be a little bit different. Instead of writing giant reflection posts, our blog will be more about sharing our in-class work. I think this should be fun! Thanks for… Continue Reading →

What are the Odds?

Alongside humanities, maker, science, and math (the normal subjects I post about), I am also in band. Funny story, at the beginning of the year when I was told to rank electives I out band as my last choice. However… Continue Reading →

An Endless Summer

To top off Grade 7 my class was assigned a project called “Endless Summer”. The project assumed that we had won the lottery and had $200,000 to spend travelling anywhere throughout the summer before starting high school. The criteria for… Continue Reading →

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