Proportional Representation is Needed for Canada’s Future
The key to a strong government is having everybody’s voice heard equally. If any one person gets less of a say than another then the system is already less fair and less representative of the country as a whole. The First-Past-The-Post electoral system currently used in Canada allows certain political parties to be significantly undervalued or overvalued. For example a party could win a majority government without receiving more than 50% of the votes. How could this possibly be the best electoral system for Canadians? Proportional representation is an electoral system that would suit Canada much better and allow for a true democracy. In proportional representation parties will gain seats in the House of Commons in proportion to the total number of votes they receive. Another benefit to proportional representation is a good solution to “split votes” among parties with similar ideologies. Many voters would prefer voting, knowing they could rank their party choices instead of having to decide whether to vote for strategy or who they really like. The easier voting can be made, the better. Voter turnout can win or lose elections for parties and individuals so it is really important to have an electoral system that encourages votes from everyone. Proportional representation will allow Canada to have a government much more representative of all Canadians through its voting style and its seat delegation. It is the system Canada must implement for our future to best govern ourselves.