A new way of looking at the victorian era

Along with looking at crane brintons theory we have been looking at the steampunk genre. And oddly enough we are going to be making a project containing both of these subjects and building a machine, but that will come later. Anyway we have to answer a question that we made up, but this time instead of Brintons Theory it is steampunk. You may not even know what that is, I know I didn’t before we researched it. But basically it started in the 1900’s when writers like Jules Verne and K.W Jetter were writing stories where women wore coarsests while men wore top hats and suits, and there were machines that were powered by steam, thus getting the name Steampunk. Though it didn’t launch and become popular until later, and now there are huge festivals just based around steampunk. And that is what my question goes into.

what something could look like if it were steampunked Based on the book Leviathen

What something could look like if it were steampunked
Based on the book Leviathen

What was the influence for the steampunk genre when jules vern and other writers were writing about it?

Well through my research of looking at books and people i found out that it was a way of thinking what the future could be like. And since they lived in the 1900’s you would think it would be similar but different. So to show this I made up a diagram comparing it to how other writers think of the future today



So as you can see it really was just there frame of mind when they were writing about steampunk or as they would say “the future”. And really as you look throughout time it has always been that if you are in one place and thinking about what it could be like in the future you are imagining that place the same just modern but with some aspects different. Overall i found that this was actually really interesting to learn about. Down below are the places i got my info from.






Well thats all for now, Thanks for reading!


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