An essential element project

In science we have been looking at the periodic table and how elements fit in together. And so as always with PLP we have a corresponding project, where we are making superheroes based on a single element in our group (In my group is Makyla, Ryan and James) So far we have worked fairly well, there have been a few times where we have had to refocus but really it has all worked out well and we have learnt to work together. Though we do not simply choose an element and say hey there’s a superhero there is a full process. Like what do we want it to do? What are its characteristics? So as we narrowed it came down to eventually basing our superhero off of mercury. Along with finding out our actual element we also had to make a poster of the periodic table.



As well as a team sign


Really overall we have all learnt lots so far and willl eventually get to the point where we visually can show our superhero but until then

Over and Out!


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