Journey Through Generations: Unveiling My Family History

I am only going to be discussing my mom’s side of the family, which will be divided into two parts: my grandma’s side and my grandpa’s side. I won’t be going into detail about all of my aunties and uncles, just the main family line. For my grand father’s side we dint know the name of allot of the people so its got some blank spots.

Grandma’s Side of the Family

Let us begin with my grandma’s side, a lineage deeply rooted in the breathtaking landscapes of Austria, nestled on the former Yugoslavia border. In the late 1800s, my great-great-great-grandfather, Karl Moritz, and his wife, Maria Moritz, thrived as shoemakers, while nurturing nine children and tending to their land and livestock. Astonishingly, their descendants continue to call this very land home, an unbreakable bond bridging the past and present. We cannot overlook the somber shadows cast by history, as two of Karl and Maria’s children tragically fell victim to the turmoil of World War I

My great-great-grandmother, Josepha Moritz (pronounced with a “yo” sound instead of a “jo” sound), and her partner, Bartholomas Leihgeb, lived on the same property as her parents. It was quite unusual during that time for people to have children without being married. They had three kids: Katharine (my great-grandmother), Sophie, and Hans.

Katharine met my great-grandfather, Ronald, and moved to England in 1948. Ronald served as a tank driver in World War II and was stationed in North Africa. After the war, he became a butcher in Somerset until retirement. They had five children: Ronald, Glennis, Jenifer (my grandmother), Andrew, and Jane. Unfortunately, my great-grandmother passed away in September of 2020.

My grandmother met my grandfather in 1968, and they got married in 1971. My grandma was a district nurse and my granddad was a analytical scientist . They had five children: Hannah (my mom), Helen, Abigail, and the twins, Alex and James. My aunt, Abigail, has two kids, Edward and Joseph, who are my cousins.

Grandfather’s Side of the family 

My great great grandfather_____ and grandmother ilizabeth. Lived were born and raised in England. They had 4 kids David (great grandfather), bill, Tom, vi.

My great great grandfather Walter and grandmother____ had three kids Vi Margret( my great grandmother) and Liz 

My great grandmother, Margret, and father, David. David was a commercial travel personal for a paper company and Margret was a house wife. They were both born in London England and had two kids, Malcom ( my grandfather) and Susan.

My Parents

My mom first came to Canada in 2000 but moved here permanently in 2003 when she was training to become a doctor. That’s where she met my father, who was born in Inland B.C. They met in 2000 and got married in 2007. They have three kids: me, my younger brother, William, and my younger sister, Ava. 

Posted in PLP

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