The Time of The Renaissance

Welcome back to another blog post! We just finished up another project, and this was one that I really found myself enjoying. We did a project on the renaissance and I focused on the most significant part of it, Leonardo da Vinci and his work. The first thing that we had to learn is how to tell if something is historically significant or else we wouldn’t be able to tell what is the most significant. Once we knew why our thing from the renaissance was important we had to explain why it was in a paragraph. We then had to put down our ideas in a triptych digital gallery. This was all to answer the question “What significant developments emerged from the past and how do they impact us today?” 

The first thing that we had to learn was how to tell if something was historically significant. The main way to tell if something’s historically significant is by using NAME. NAME stands for Novelty, what was new about this, Applicability, how is it similar to modern events, Memory, how was it remembered by different parties of people, and Effect, how did it have an effect on people. For something to be historically significant it had to be as many of those thing as possible. 

Once we knew if our thing was actually historically significant, we had to give reasons on why if was in our paragraph. We learned about the proper way to write a paragraph and all the different things that must be included in one. 

My Paragraph 

The final thing that we did was put all of the research down in a triptych. Our triptychs had to have a panel for an art piece and an innovator, a panel for an invention and a societal change, and the final panel was for our own modern versions of all this. I heavily based my triptych on Leonardo da Vinci because I think that there is just so much that he accomplished and that we can learn from him. 

So, what significant developments emerged from the past and how do they impact us today? Well, is something is historically significant then we learn from it and we’re more likely to remember the lesson it teaches us. Like you can see in my paragraph, just one renaissance man impacts the past and present in so many incredible, and new, ways. You can also see in my triptych’s middle panel, some of the things that have come out of past things, like inventions evolving, new movements, and even new innovators. So in conclusion, the renaissance was a very important time, because of all the things that we got out of it. 

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