Canadian Contributions

Hi and welcome back to another blog post! The last project that I just finished working on was called Saving Juno Beach. It was a project about World War 2, specifically Canada’s contributions, with the end product being as essay. 

After learning about WW2 and different ways that Canada contributed, the next step to the final product was the brainstorming/starting the research.  This is the step where we wrote down all the information that we found relevent to the topic of Canada’s involvement in WW2 and started sorting it out as well as starting to look into more details. I organized mine so that there were the 3 clear topics for my body paragraphs with different subsections that have even more information coming off them. I found that this was the best way of doing it because it made it really easy once I actually started the body paragraphs since I could just reword it and I more or less had them.

Once my final essay was done, I got feedback and was able to make revisions. My feedback didn’t have any major issues, just minor things that were definitely easy fixes. Once I made those changes I had my completed essay, which you can view here. 

If I were to do this project again, there are a few things that I would have done differently. The main thing would have been to have finished my first essay draft sooner so that I would have been able to get more feedback. Like I mentioned earlier, the feedback was nothing major but I think a second set of eyes would have caught any more mistakes and other things that needed to be changed. 

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